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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Are You There God?

Are you there God? Thank you for giving me my family, please watch over them.

Are you there God? I felt your protection in the car crash today, I know you kept Mommy and I safe when we slid off the road.

Are you there God? I don’t really understand this whole religion thing, but I’ll devote myself to you. I trust in your plan and I know you’re watching over me.

Are you there God? I’m a bit older now, but I know you know that. I’m sorry I haven’t been to church. I still trust in you, I just can’t be up early enough anymore.


Beady eyes of the ape peer through bars of a cage.
You, and the primate, are one in the same,
Your heartbeats connected by warm blood, and years of developing apart.
Bum-bum, bum-bum
The last time you went to the zoo, did you meet the gaze of the animals?
We're animals too, despite our technical process and egotistical declaration of being better, smarter.
The difference, between you and that ape, are the bars separating you.
Bum-bum bum-bum
You've felt rage, anger, fear,
The ape before you, however

specified such so as to issue a rhyme,
but proceeded as this scribe
didst git linkedin with the cutting crew,
mow or less feeling grassy us,
yet not the least whirlwind will offset
my b52 coiffed Hair style,
or hirsute shellacked beehive type do
the idler wheel is wiser than the driver
of the screw and whipping cords
will serve you more than ropes will ever do.

Under My Skin

i want to be enveloped
and swallowed whole
bugs crawl under my skin
they’re hungry for you
they nip at my nerves
insatiable for your voice
follow it they cry
they bleed green blood
raging in bitter spite
they don’t want to share


I’m stopping at the station, to hop a train departing,
Let it take me to the distance of my mind, far away.
I’ll stare and soak in scenery, the sounds of stop and starting,
To marvel at great cities and rare wildlife on display.

As I breathe in stealthy silence, we judder over tracks,
And every signal features a new place on the side.
I gape in humble gratitude, as I become relaxed,
As passengers' journeys are bound on this ride.

True Colors

That’s the kind of girlfriend she was.
After a few dates she had me listening
to a little hip-hop, and some other music
I knew very little about. And going to nightclubs

on Tuesday nights in brightly colored shirts
she bought for me soon after we met.
Ensuring that everyone would see them before they saw me.

It was the same when she looked my way.

Passed by her hero

Out of the blaze, char, and smoke inferno
Heavy coated soot and big black boots
The last survivor over the threshold
Merely four years old and graciously carried
Into the frantic arms of her mother
From his crew, a bravo pat on the shoulder

Back at the firehouse, a hardy bowl
of chili and a big deep chuckle
Ears piqued for the bell, but momentarily
Sat back & enjoyed the stillness of the sun
Bliss interrupted by the high pitched siren
As the truck raced to extinguish
yet another five alarm fire


Written by Kelly Ann Wilson

Women of the water
Sea salt is our perfume
You can find us by the seashore
Painting with every shade of blue

We sing an untamed siren’s song
But take a mermaid’s form
Look deeper than the surface
At the late January born

Written January 26, 2024
© 2024 Kelly Ann Wilson

Mother Norma, Aunt Nita, & Bud

Sixteen years to my credit
when I first learned the story,
of Nita, Norma and their husband Bud
I remember the details so gory.

Right out of high school
were Norma and awkward Bud.
They married straight away
not a clever man, more of a dud.

Nita, a temptress, and good looker
caught Bud's eye, holding his gaze.
Nita was willowy, tall and sveldt
did she bewitch him making him crazed?

My Spams

My Spams,
Email nightmare
Daily unwanted junk
Goal,access to my private files


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