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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.


On some late nights when sleep won't come
I hear those restless rattling chains
from deep recesses I keep numb,
where the banned one still remains.

He's set loose only in my dreams
where his madnesses won't hurt anyone.
There he strikes and victim screams
and havoc reigns until he's done.

But there were also those real times
from my youth so long ago
when rage led to bloodshed, almost crimes
each time the monster was let go.


She dresses for his eyes alone
He's thirty, rich and handsome
Well-heeled and drives the latest steed
Right-side of tracks, is where he's from

All eyes upon her entrance
She walks the runway of the street
“ I am the queen of drama;
the best you'll ever meet”

Her entourage, smile or sneer,
depending on her mood
She waves her hand; as if to steer
through the crowd of crude

I SHAN'T SAY GOODBYE;;;the undiscovered

YOU know why there is none awaiting to be read the undiscovered list between
Rula and me
is dead you had promised but never read
fell in line but found nothing to mine so did
Alid tis all fine that ends with all pins nine
epicurial or not lest we all forgot
Stan has no poetic fever on his behalf we did deliver and now
ones have no liver
go and see if you still don't believe me
has proved his worth

Russia and Ukraine

Russian separatists
Bombs bursting in Ukraine
Plane shot down from the skies
Ukrainians shudder, brace up for war.

Convoy of humanitarian aid
Ukrainians dismayed, draw suspicions
Since when, do enemies offer aid to their victims.

Decades of Dishonour

Decades of Dishonour,

We stick a poppy in our coats,
then tell stories of the brave.
Might as well have cut their throats,
if it’s murder that we crave.

I watch this human charade,
all with medals on their chest.
A bloody claim so falsely made,
might as well wear a string vest.

None of those celebrating were keen,
to stand entrenched with the men.
How different it might have been,
if we could visit hell again.


When sadness
shears the heart
we must share grief
let it be brief,
suffering extends
unless pain
you relieve

so shed a tear if you wish to
then move on
as one day
you will too be gone
as the next wind
like a gush comes along

take not to heart
the sadness
we all are part
of the same coin

birth and death
are the verse and obverse
of one and the same

in such moments
ones family do join
remember the good ones
who gave you
maximum fun

A Letter to Gaza's Conqueror

Your way to Gaza' is too long;
it won't be fun to go along,
it isn't yours, you don't belong,
but she's my song, but she's my song,

The people there do not feel fear.
They don't have swords nor have a spear,
but they have faith that shows so clear
give me your ear, give me your ear.

Wherever you tread, find a thorn;
an ironed heart, a heavy stone,
that will cause you a lot of moan,
of this I warn, of this I warn.

I, and They.
We sit with rain upon the roof, trundling in waves
steady like the arriving,
steady like the leaving.

No one fighting front to front
over lines that are not even

as sure though as our distance

feel them watching
and i'm tired unsure
so show
i'm uncaring

i want the rain on my shoulders
sure as the all broken
i accept as tokens

acceptance too real a cost
a world
i never lived
but thrived to own
a silver town
in a snow globe

Freedoms Way

Where to start.
Hack at my thoughts,
drive me to out places.
Slur my speech,
drown my sorrows.
Crap let me smile!
Jump inside,
this gilded cage,
bars that bend,
nothing can hold me.
Your fire scorched me.
A path never trodden,
go to hell, I will walk away.
Take all, you slobber,
away with false truths,
I am free, yet tethered.
Your tongue still moves,
wrapping me tight.
Friends cry my name,
if only they could feel,
the pain of the years.

All eyes on me

Just so beautiful...

eyes are windows
through which you see...
they also show...
smile across the window...
all passersby will know...
that empty eyes love do blow

let all know
the eyes when they glow
or the final word they
all know

whistle me not,
no more
my eyes now don’t see nor show
all light has gone
like the whistling wind
all must know


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