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Unsung Heros

As knights of old,
we meet life's ocean,
mysterious and temperamental.
Her mountainous waves
assault our boats...
with leviathan-like force.
we meet her battering,
resolutely unswerving,
holding tight to our course.
fighting for each small gain,
battle by battle...
Old soldiers are we;
in the end,
falling one by one.
Living hard,
rising to each cause
the call of duty, of honor, stirs our blood!

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Unsung Heros" seems to be a tribute to those who face life's challenges with courage and determination. The metaphor of "knights of old" meeting life's "ocean" is a powerful image that sets the tone for the rest of the poem. The use of oceanic imagery to represent life's struggles is effective, though it could be further developed to create a more immersive and vivid picture for the reader.

The phrase "Holding tight to our coarse" seems to be a typographical error. If the intended word was "course," this would fit the nautical theme and make sense in the context of the poem.

The poem could benefit from a more consistent rhythm or rhyme scheme to enhance its musicality and flow. As it stands, the rhythm is somewhat irregular, which can disrupt the reader's engagement.

The phrase "old soldiers are we" is a strong one, but it could be made even more impactful with some additional context or development. Who are these soldiers? What battles have they fought? Providing more details could help the reader connect more deeply with the poem's subjects.

The final line, "the call of duty stirs our blood," is a powerful conclusion. It effectively communicates the passion and dedication of the poem's subjects. However, it might be worth considering whether "call of duty" is the best phrase to use here, as it has specific connotations due to its association with a popular video game franchise. If this association is not intended, another phrase might be more appropriate.

Overall, the poem has a strong theme and some effective imagery, but could benefit from more detailed development and a more consistent rhythm.

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this association is not intended

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author comment

I like the concept. It is a bit choppy in places. I don't know if this would be any better:

as knights of old,
we meet life's ocean,
mysterious and temperamental
Her mountainous waves
assault our boats...
with leviathan-like force.
we meet her battering,
resolutely unswerving,
holding tight to our course.
fighting for each small gain,
battle by battle...
old soldiers are we;
in the end,
falling one by one.
living hard,
rising to each cause
the call of duty, of honor, stirs our blood!


Thank you! Done and done!

*hugs, Cat

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author comment

Viking ships and warriors and getting ready for battle. I love the old lore feel of this one. Well done!


Thank you for reading and responding...I always look forward to your comments on my poetry. You nailed it! I hope you return to read the revision.

*hugs, Cat

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I always return as sometimes I miss something the first time and rereading makes it even better. Most of my ancestry is viking so I am always partial to works with regard to them.


is English, Irish and Scottish which just makes me a mongrel, lol!

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Have the same background! No wonder we are so in tune.


What astrological sign are you? I am an Aquarian on the Piscean cusp my moon is in Pisces !

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July 17


my Moon is in Cancer! My first husband was a Cancer...

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