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On A Train Into The Night...

there is a full moon out tonight,
it is a dreamer's moon pale and white.
still early nightfall, bags are packed
awaiting planned passage on a train.

Got my train ticket in my hand
Anticipation at the station
Conductor smiles and punches it
She points me to my seat, off I go.

A window seat is mine, what rapture
Turning off "my" light, I can see out
Harp to mouth, blowing sweetest notes
a call for "Me And Bobby McGee"

Stars are twinkling brightly for me,
nothing more soothing that I know of
immersed in this celestial night.
I am off skipping through the cosmos!

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "On A Train Into The Night" demonstrates a strong use of visual imagery, effectively transporting the reader into the scene. The details about the full moon, the train station, and the celestial night are vivid and engaging.

However, the poem could benefit from more consistent use of rhythm and meter. The lines vary in length and syllable count, which can disrupt the flow of the poem. Experimenting with a more structured form might enhance the overall reading experience.

The transition from the third to the fourth stanza is slightly abrupt. The poem shifts from a concrete, grounded setting to a more abstract, cosmic one. While this can be an effective technique, it might be beneficial to include some transitional elements to bridge these two sections more smoothly.

The reference to "Me And Bobby McGee" adds an interesting layer to the poem, but it might not be clear to all readers. Consider providing more context or using a more universally recognizable reference to ensure the meaning is accessible to a broader audience.

Lastly, the use of quotation marks around "my" in the third stanza is unclear. If it's meant to convey a particular meaning or emphasis, consider making this more explicit in the poem.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

Hello, Cat,
Your poem stirs a memory - I once flew on the night of a full moon, window seat and all. It was purely spectacular. This has a nice, easy flow, fitting to bring Bobby McGee onboard.
Thank you!

I close my eyes and see you on that plane with the vista of mistress moon full and majestic high in the sky! It must have been magical...

As always, thank you for your support!
*love, Cat

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author comment

Perhaps searching for the home she hopes she'll find. Enjoy the journey into night.
Thanks for a fun read. - Will

Hello! I love that song, it is one of my all time favorites. Thank you so very much for reading and commenting on this poem. I appreciate it greatly.

*hugs & moonbeams, Cat

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author comment

I think your poem accurately reflects our memories of riding the train, seeing the views and reflects our thoughts while riding along.
Good poem, I liked it very much

I appreciate your reading and commenting on this poem, thank you!

*hugs, Cat

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author comment

Been on a train since I was a child. We went to Disney World. I can remember staring out the windows at night and looking at all the sights as we journeyed on. Well done.


I would love to ride a train at night, racing into the darkness! I can only imagine the experience. I have been on a daytime excursion. not quite the same thing at all. I hope you write a poem about it! I would love to read it!

*hugs, Cat

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I've never been on a train but I think your poem captures the experience. " it is a dreamers moon pale and white".....something about this line seem to not fit this poem. Maybe "A dreamer's moon pale, stark and white"? Or maybe just leave it as is and ignore this old bald guy lol

Thank you for reading my poem and offering your thoughts. I am honored to get them. I will think on it. you are not just an old bald guy, that is my husband Steven, lol! You are a revered original member of Neopoet!, and well loved as a treasure!

Hugs, Cat

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I can see someone sitting in one of the old Vista Dome cars, the glass dome overhead, with the moon and stars shining down. What a peaceful feeling that must be.


I wish I could have had that opportunity... I did get to take a train ride with you, in Texas. Do you remember?

*love, Cat

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