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Sophie's Legacy

Her Legacy lives on
Though she lies in cold earth,
Her legacy lives on.

No complaints were heard
As the tumour devoured her brain.
No moans,
No cries, Just laughter.
Her legacy lives on.

Lives on in the charity
Begun by heartbroke parents,
While she still lived,laughed and danced,
To comfort others with the same misery.
Her legacy lives on.

Sweet Butterfly
We were with you at the end.
As you took your final faltering,
Shuddering breath.
Just six years old.

We shall weep forever,
Oh! I wish my faith was stronger
To believe we would meet again.

Review Request (Intensity): 
Please use care (this is a sensitive subject for me, do not critique harshly)
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


This just broke my heart. Into a million little pieces.

Just Bravo! And a huge hug.

Kindest Regards Jayne

May Sophie Rest in Peace. Bless you for having the strength to write this.

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

Thank you Jayne, the charity goes from strength to strength. Alex

author comment

Truly gut wrenching and emotional. I applaud your courage and strength. She will live in your words eternal. Thank you for sharing her gift with us.


Thanks Tim. Alex

author comment

This beautiful moving poem (is it an elegy?) has touched me deeply because we have (had) a Sophie of our own in our family. A sister admittedly outlived six years but the loss was just as real. Her name was Lucy and she suffered MS.

The Legacy is a potent reminder of the joy a loved one brings with them that during the daylight (life time) we often take for granted and it is only at the end of life (the night time) do we realize what we once had and now have lost. The poignant presence of being there at the end is a torture that only those who have experienced, would understand.
This is a wonderful statement of love.
Thank you for letting me into your grief.
Poets Hand

Thank you Hannah
Indeed a loss is terribly sad at any age. Alex

author comment

Very moving and heart wrenching. I suppose we must see these little children as heaven's little angels, who are with us for so short a time, but must wing their way back home. As in my own poem (Nikita) I show that these wonderful beings are too beautiful to live long in this world. A beautiful poem. I only hope and pray that you, one day, be granted the faith to believe that you will meet again.


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