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My Thoughts

My thoughts
Words without sounds
Whirling around my mind
Making me feel happy and sad
My views

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

This poem, "My Thoughts," presents an intriguing exploration of the internal landscape. However, it could benefit from further development in several areas.

1. Imagery: The poem could be enriched by incorporating more vivid and specific imagery. For example, instead of saying "words without sounds," the author could describe what these silent words look like or feel like to them. This could help to engage the reader's senses and make the poem more evocative.

2. Emotional Complexity: The line "Making me feel happy and sad" could be expanded upon to delve deeper into the emotional complexity of the speaker's thoughts. Instead of simply stating the emotions, the author could show how these emotions manifest in the speaker's thoughts or actions.

3. Development of Ideas: The poem introduces the concept of the speaker's "views" at the end but does not elaborate on what these views are or how they relate to the speaker's thoughts. The author could consider expanding on this idea to give the poem more depth and coherence.

4. Structure: The structure of the poem is quite simple, which can be effective for conveying straightforward ideas or emotions. However, if the author wishes to explore more complex themes or emotions, they might consider experimenting with different poetic forms or structures.

5. Language: The language used in the poem is relatively plain and straightforward. While this can be effective in certain contexts, the author might consider using more figurative language or poetic devices (such as metaphor, simile, or personification) to add layers of meaning to the poem.

Overall, the poem provides a promising starting point for exploring the speaker's internal world. By developing the imagery, emotional complexity, ideas, structure, and language of the poem, the author can create a more engaging and impactful piece.

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thank you for a peek inside your world!

*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

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