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My Love Of Books

Fragile pages, please do not bend!
When in a book, there is no hand to lend.
Do be careful, don't crack the spine!
Don't touch those, they are mine!

Each volume in treasure,
and it sure is my pleasure,
to read about every one!
(Of course they must weigh a ton!)

Novels; to disappear in.
Journals; letters from within.
Poems; to keep in your mind.
Books; with turns in the spotlight, all have shined.

These stories went through stages,
all throughout the ages.
Most have been thoroughly loved,
and, I'm sure, all over shelves have been shoved.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Last few words: 
I know there are other types of poetry, but I really like rhyming (not sure what you call that). I tried to rhyme in with within, but it doesn't sound right to me. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Thank you! (:
Editing stage: 


Loved this one it is short and to the point, one thing you can do in future is flower the words up a little, try to hold the reader needing more as they read your pieces, keep a little behind just out of reach.
Sometimes write your thoughts bare, do this on word edit to a smooth run then stream..
Otherwise a great second write.
Yours, Ian..

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Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

Will do! I do not posses the expansive vocabularies that most of you on this site do, but in this day and age, I have google for that!
As always, thank you for reading and commenting on my poem.

author comment

I learnt today about Joy Division hand making 100 album covers with sand paper. So that when people pulled their album out of the case it would rub others up, and deface.
So, I think, what I've learnt from this, is enjoy each page, cover to cover, but don't think it'll be the same again when you go back. Cause it might be scratched......

yeah, your write may be a little rough, specifically that very last line, but the message comes through loud and clear: Treat your books gently! And that's why I keep my favorite hardcover books behind glass, but those paperback ones, like Lady Chatterley's Lover, I read while in the bathtub. Why not change your title to simply, "Books."

I have a story to tell you.
Once my friend would not stop touching my things. (All of my friends are book worms) So I took her book. She screamed. It was hilarious.

Also, the title was originally just 'Books,' but I thought it lacked a certain flare.

Thank you for commenting!

author comment

for sheer profundity.
This engaged me very much, with my own voracious appetite for reading. I've averaged three books a week (one classic/poetry, one sci-fi/fantasy, one non-fiction) for the last fifty years. If nothing else it does wonders for the vocabulary and makes one very hard to beat in any argument [smiles].

I think your last few words reveal that although you like rhyme you are already encountering it's limitations. You've been using rhyming couplets AABBCC but there are many other patterns to explore. Alternate rhyme ABABCDCD, or enclosed rhyme ABBA CDDC to name a few.

Also google and play with alliteration, consonance and assonance.

I believe you have a native talent and a natural ear for poetry but a "litel buk larnin neva hirt no wun".

Have fun. Try a limerick. My favourite is-
There is a young man in Japan
whose poems just never will scan
he sits up all night
but try as he might
he always ends up putting as many words in the last line as he possibly can.

or haikus are also a fun way to compress and enhance your poetic expression without any poetic devices other than the syllable count 5-7-5.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

Welcome to Neopoet! I enjoyed the poem and the conversation going on here. Lots of learning to go around! :)

I am not great with rhyme, but a tool I love to use which gives rhymes, synonyms, and more is It may help you as a lover of rhyme!

What about changing the end words to avoid the in-within rhyme, since you said you weren't exactly feeling it?

Maybe something like:

Novels, in which to deeply delve
Journals, letters of ourselves

Hope this helps,

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I believe I did use that site, but thank you very much.
Also, clever. I like it! I will try to think of something by myself, but that was brilliant!

author comment

You never cease to amaze me and may not need my help. I will still try, but you should keep writing as you do. As Jess pointed out, rhyme is a whole other thing to explore.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

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another lovely idea, expressed in this poem.
Books are so precious aren't they. I absolutely hate it, if someone bends a paperback to hold it open and creases the spine. My god, I need therapy after that.
Me, anal............ nah - well perhaps a bit - cheesy grin.
You've had some good advice on this thread, try new rhyming patterns, make alternate lines rhyme, or perhaps just two lines out of four. Anything really.
Try and raise your vocabulary up a bit from the everyday. There is nothing wrong with the every day, it's just nice to play with new words from time to time. Just have the odd dictionary or thesaurus for breakfast, quite tasty with chocolate milk! Don't be afraid to give it a go.
I agree with Ali, the message is loud and clear, which is great, but the delivery is a little awkward in places the last stanza particularly. I mean it's a bit stumbly when you read it, it lacks the easy flow

Remember we are a workshop site.
Don't forget to offer critique on poems you read.

First, anything can be great with chocolate milk!
Second, I will try to improve upon it, thank you!

author comment

You had asked earlier about rhythm and it's the rhythm which is off in the in and within lines. You might try "Novels I love to disappear in"- "journals or letters from deep within'. Just an idea from my hollow head lol. I also love book and I don't mean E-books........stan

Thank you! [little girl voice] I don't think your head is hollow [smirk]. And who doesn't like books?!

author comment

Three books a week?! Wow! I will try not to argue with you then.
[returns smile]

I will take your advice and try different rhyming couplets. I will also try alliteration, limericks, and haikus. I have done them in class and know that they are fun as well.

Thank you!

author comment

as poets we are passionately fond of books. In Manhattan, the so called literary capital of USA (publishing etc), there are now perhaps 4 bookstores left. 25 years ago they were as popular as Starbucks. You might consider the current demise of books, as a sub theme. What will the world be like without books? How will we publish a book of poems, if there's no place to buy them?

You might enjoy the Sci/fi Book Fahrenheit 451, in which all books were outlawed so people "became" the books, memorizing them and passing them down to the next generation.

I'm not going to comment on your style and craft as yet.
Keep em coming, craft will come.

I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

Books being outlawed? That would suck! That does sound like a good story though. I am intrigued. Thank you.

author comment

you are ahead of me by a couple of years. I was 13 when I wrote my first poem. It was only six lines but they have stayed with me to this day. I am now 65. A couple of suggestions for trimming but don't forget its your poem, take or leave as you will.

Books with turns so well defined.

and all over shelves have been shoved

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

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