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If My Body Was a Car

If my body was a car I’d trade it in today,
Maybe for a Jeep or a brand new Chevrolet…
I’m just a little rusty with some minor scrapes and dents,
I’d have traded it in years ago if I had any sense…

My radiator leaks but my exhaust is working fine,
The heater hasn’t warmed me up since two-thousand and nine...
My headlights aren’t so bright especially after dark,
I’m not too hard on fuel as long as I’m in park…

My wheels don’t turn as fast as they did ten years ago,
I don’t have all that much traction on the ice or in the snow…
Bur my alternator still gives my battery a boost,
I was a beauty of a car in the year I was produced…

The transmission slips at times when I try to get in gear,
But the speakers in my head are always loud and clear…
My trunk is fastened down with a piece of rabbit wire,
I don’t worry about a flat because I have a good spare tire…

I have some body fill along the front and down the sides,
But I really can’t complain about how my chassis rides…
So maybe I should keep it ‘cause that’s just the way I roll,
I’ll be cruisin’ down the highway once I fix the cruise control…

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How does this theme appeal to you?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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Hello, Stevo,
Hmm...not certain why this poem is not feasible - maybe hard to compare a human to an inanimate object? Dunno, but I am in stitches with it! Great humor and well written! Your rhyme is perfect - unforced and so logical, and comical!
I greatly enjoyed this!

Lol, thank you

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