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I am water

When I swim, I am fluid
water becomes an extension
of my body
Or I become an extension of the water
It is pleasantly confusing
Healing flotation
gently pressing on my skin
Holding me like a lover
Tender liquid
Needing no strength to lift my weight
bubbles like silver barbels rise
Emerging from my lungs
Delicate jellyfish
Gliding in a dream space
Peaceful blue haze
Below the surface of ripples
I drift low to the earth
In a transparent landscape
No longer a land roaming being but
An aquatic creature swimming free
Or a mighty organism built to withstand the vast ocean tides
That are dormant now
Bleaching out sounds of reality
I re surface to breathe
I am water

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Last few words: 
As I’m very dyslexic sometimes I say things a bit long winded but I’m working hard to improve. Also spelling sneaks past me no matter how many times I spell check! Very new to poetry, I love writing but I need improvement on following poem rules etc. really I’ve no idea if I’m any good at it, so looking for honest general advice and feedback Emma
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "I am water" is a beautiful and evocative piece that captures the experience of swimming and being immersed in water. The imagery is vivid and sensory, transporting the reader to a world of gentle waves and peaceful blue haze. The language is poetic and flowing, mirroring the fluidity of the water and the speaker's connection to it.

One of the strengths of the poem is its use of metaphor and personification. The line "Holding me like a lover" is particularly effective, conveying both the intimacy and the nurturing quality of the water. The comparison of the speaker to an aquatic creature or a mighty organism is also a powerful way to express the sense of being at one with the natural world.

The poem's structure is straightforward and effective, with each line building on the previous one to create a sense of flow and movement. The use of short, fragmented phrases in the final lines adds to the dreamlike quality of the piece.

One suggested line edit would be to change "barbels" to "bubbles," as the former term is more commonly associated with fish and might be distracting for some readers.

Overall, "I am water" is a beautiful and contemplative poem that invites the reader to consider their relationship with the natural world.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

to make a correction in: "needing no strength, and reverse it,
but I think it really shines with the meaning as it is.

I think the word you are looking for is silver[baubles] rise.
Resurface should be one word.
I think that this is a great piece and needed little
smoothing out, just a little. ~ Geezer.
Welcome to Neo.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Fabulous feedback Tysm I appreciate your time

author comment

Greetings, Emma,
Welcome to Neopoet! Your title drew me in - very inviting. I initially thought the poem was a bit too long and wordy, but honestly, after reading a couple more times, all of it is essential and adds to the smooth "flow" (much like water) of your poem. This is quite lovely!
Thank you!

I love the way you write/think. free verse is my favorite style of poetry, and you make it sing. I usually quote back favorite lines to the poet, but with this poem I cannot chose favorites as they are all excellent! it would be a shame to break up this piece as it is a stream of consciousness ! there is nothing I would change. I am an Aquarian on the Pieces cusp. and this really speaks to me!
the only advice I have for you comes in your responses in comments: please do not use acronyms like ttl and brb or texting terms in poetry as it is cheesy/ the only one that has slid by is LOL, and everyone has used that. with poetry it is best to spell it out.

welcome to Neopoet, I am very glad to meet you! I invite you to read and comment on others poetry as well as posting your own, I am an oldester here I have been here since before the crash. we are a community of poets who love poetry (and prose) I hope you will enjoy sharing your poetry here! I know, I shall enjoy reading reading it!

*hugs, Cat

I wrote a poem with the title: I Am Wind

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And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

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