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Baby bird Villanelle

When I was 6 I found a nest
A lone baby bird I had seen
I took it home, I thought it best

I sat the bird upon my desk
I dug for worms- juicy and lean
When I was 6 I found a nest

Mother Robin nearby, stressed
My action of love was factually mean
I took it home, I thought it best

The bird soon died upon my chest
I mourned for it, what could have been
When I was 6 I found a nest

Full of regret ‘I shouldn’t have messed’
It had become a melancholy scene
I took it home, I thought it best

I’m sorry I failed my tiny guest
My intent was pure, I was too keen
When I was 6 I found a nest
I took it home, I thought it best

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The Baby Bird Villanelle is a poignant poem that captures the innocence and regret of a young child who tries to save a baby bird but ultimately fails. The repetition of the opening line, "When I was 6 I found a nest," creates a sense of nostalgia and emphasizes the significance of the event in the speaker's life. The use of a villanelle structure further adds to the poem's melancholic tone.

The poem's message is clear: sometimes our good intentions can lead to unintended harm. The speaker's desire to save the baby bird was pure, but their lack of knowledge and experience led to the bird's death. The line "My action of love was factually mean" highlights this conflict between intending to do good and causing harm.

The suggested line edit would be to change "Mother Robbin" to "Mother Robin," as "robbin" is not the correct spelling of the bird's name. This minor error does not detract from the overall impact of the poem, but correcting it would improve its accuracy.

Overall, the Baby Bird Villanelle is a well-crafted and emotionally resonant poem that explores the complexities of good intentions and unintended consequences.

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So excited to see this... a villanelle! A poet from the site a few years back shared knowledge of this form, and I was very intrigued. Tried my best to write a couple - challenging, yet very satisfying. Yours is beautiful, tender, and melancholy. At first read, I wondered about using the word six instead of the numeral 6 since this is such a formal structure. But the numeral seems to add to the youth and innocence felt throughout the poem. If this truly happened, you have written a lovely tribute to the baby bird. Very nice.

by this one. I did much the same thing, but with a nest of field mice. They were small little furry things in a nest of grass in the early Spring. I'm not sure where the mother was, but probably somewhere close by watching me abscond with her babies. I thought I was doing a good thing, but they wouldn't eat or drink the milk I tried to feed them and they died. Anyway, a good poem, [notwithstanding the subject]. Nice job with telling and giving a cautionary tale. Nothing I see to change or enhance! ~ Geezer.

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Very symbolic poem for this spring season. I’ve a pair of nesting robins in our yard every year. Should get a good view of the hatchlings this year because they’re building the nest at head height.

Nature is best left to its own devices…however, children with heartful intentions are given some leeway with this concept given their lack of experience.

This poem has those great repetitions and it lends to the serious mood of the child who’s learning about grief and other emotions for the first time possibly.

Great job

I did the same as a child, I think all of us did as we were growing and learning and our parents wouldn't let us feed the new born baby they kept safe in their room or tucked away safe from the havoc of their other offspring.
Interesting structure, I have written a few villanelles before, but not in poetic form so it was nice to see and gain insight into this form.
Your language, choice of words was good and delivered a heart felt intention delivered with the shame of kindness and you were honest with the consequences. Will done, Ruby :)

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