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This…is to

To those wanderers that go off
to far off places
To escape their mundane existence
To climb higher, to be greater
To think clearer and breathe deeper

To challenge the ordinary
To resist convention and be
the change-makers
To outlast the last call and be the renegade to take charge
To forage ahead and lead the pack
To be renewed and committed to the mission of the great unknown

For you, the rewards are achieved
through the journey of the endeavor.
The glory is real as assurance
rings out loudly
The quest that takes place will
forever alter
Can never tarry to where you sojourned just moments ago.

How you quickly scurried up the mountain without question nor defeat in mind
Reaching the highest summit to
Roar out to an echo, “Hello, hello are you there?”
To find one‘s self is to capture the
essence of the flag
Watch it wave in the light of the day.

As the adventure withers away
it all becomes crystal clear
Far off birds chirping finally get
their just due
A casual walk to your hometown’s swimming hole takes on a
brand-new meaning
You take in a moment to follow a rocky brook to its splendid rainbow’s waterfall

Finally, allowing yourself to get lost in its rippling flow as it soothes it all away
The reflection of you bleeds deep
with meaning
The heaven within stands proud
and the honor is yours to hold.

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "This…is to" beautifully captures the essence of embarking on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. The imagery of venturing to far-off places to challenge the ordinary and embrace change is vivid and engaging. The theme of personal growth and finding one's true self is conveyed effectively through the metaphor of climbing a mountain and reaching the summit.

One suggestion for improvement could be to consider varying the structure of the poem to create more dynamic pacing. This could involve experimenting with line breaks, stanza lengths, or incorporating different poetic devices to enhance the overall flow and impact of the piece. Additionally, further exploration of sensory details and specific experiences during the journey could enrich the reader's connection to the narrative and evoke a deeper emotional response.

Overall, "This…is to" is a thought-provoking and introspective poem that invites readers to reflect on their own quests for self-discovery and the profound moments of clarity that come with such journeys.

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