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My corpse will rot
in mother earth.
The worms consume
my bones.

There's nothing here
worth saving.
The grave will be
my home.

Once I sang a happy tune,
for all the world to hear.
Now I'm standing in the rain
grinding all my gears.

Stuck here in this chaos,
I subsist from year to year.
Waiting for the End of Times
to satisfy my fears!

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Last few words: 
It can't be all that bad, but this is how I feel. I know the way I feel will change before the day is thru. It may change more than once. A slipperry tale it is, but honestly I'm telling you that this is how it is.
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
Opt-in: Neopoet AI will critique your poem.


The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Waiting!" presents a dark and somber tone, exploring themes of mortality, despair, and the passage of time. The use of imagery is effective in conveying the bleakness of the speaker's outlook, particularly in the first two stanzas where the decay of the body after death is described.

However, the transition from the second stanza to the third could be smoother. The shift from the grave to singing a happy tune is abrupt and might confuse readers. Perhaps adding a transitional line or stanza could help bridge this gap and make the poem's progression more coherent.

The use of the phrase "grinding all my gears" in the third stanza seems out of place. This phrase is typically used to express annoyance or frustration, which doesn't align with the overall tone of the poem. A more fitting phrase could enhance the poem's consistency.

In the final stanza, the speaker mentions "Waiting for the End of Times". This phrase could be more impactful if it were further developed or explained. As it stands, it's a bit vague and leaves readers wondering about its significance.

Lastly, the poem could benefit from more varied sentence structure. Most lines are short and declarative, which can become monotonous. Experimenting with longer lines or more complex sentence structures could add interest and depth to the poem.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

is good, the language use equally so.
The pace and rhythm went well with the theme, and I don't agree with the A.I.
about anything it has to say. I understood this poem readily with no problems of continuity between the second and third stanzas. The stark reality of people in nursing homes and other long-term facilities, is a problem that many such places
have and I know that many of them barely have enough personnel to care for those who cannot do for themselves; let alone make life interesting for those who are not mentally impaired and long for connections and things to do. It is a shame, that we as a country do not place more emphasis on extended families, and the care of the elder generation.

Thank you for being a friend who can make us aware of the agony spent in such places. ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

I certainly don't agree with AI. I seldom do, it may give a little technical advice but because it has no soul it cannot read as it should. I have no problem reading this, it rhymes and moves at a good pace. Alex

Thanks for reading, you guys are great the hospital I live in has taken a toll on me. I've been in this place for four long years!

Our dreams lost! Lost on an ocean of turmoil! Soon a solution will arrive! Until then I will write!

author comment

...I enjoyed the rhyme and pace in your poem. I am somewhat impressed how it reads so smoothly even if the meter is not perfectly synchronized.
I lost my concentration on S3L4 "grinding all my gears", though...
If you're taking suggestions, how about something along the lines of
"wishing joy would reappear" Keep up your writing!


. like my lost dreams...the flood

Thank you for reading and for your suggestion,but I think it I'll leave it as is. I can't figure out a better way to describe the way the way I'm feeling.

Our dreams lost! Lost on an ocean of turmoil! Soon a solution will arrive! Until then I will write!

author comment

I spent some time in a nursing home after a minor surgery. I am in a wheelchair most of the time. I can walk short distances, with my cane. They told me that I had to go to the cafeteria for meals. I cannot wheel my own chair because of having arthritis in my joints. I was told that I Must do so, or I would get no meals. Steven had a talk with her involving reporting her to the AMA or something like that.

Anyway, I understand how heartless and difficult being in a nursing home can be. I was okay because Steven came every day to see me. I hope you will feel better tomorrow. I do not agree with AI!!! I had no trouble reading this poem. Good work in communication.

*love, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Thanks for acknowledging my trials and for reading. Admin and staff can be very annoying. I've had issues like that also. I'm sorry that you suffer so, but I'm glad that you have good support!

Our dreams lost! Lost on an ocean of turmoil! Soon a solution will arrive! Until then I will write!

author comment
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