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Talking to the moon

Only the moon can bear witness
To promises whispered in darkness
Only the moon could speak of our time
Of almost bliss and breathless kisses
Out there underneath the black dome

While the stars blinked and blushed,
Among the shadows solemnly hushed,
We swayed and swayed as the trees
Do with the breeze...
We swayed, we swayed,
With a "moon and tide" ease.

How quickly it all withers away
A death so diligent as that of a rose
Nothing good can ever stay
And that is how it all goes.

Looking back now how I held her
So close in a moment too rare
Too close for a mere mortal to bear
I think it only a beautifully crafted lie.
Splendid moon won't you even try?
Make me believe before I sink to grief

That she laid imbedded here
In these arms-- never to part.
So close she was more than near
So close she was as my heart
My heart and arms holding her,
Mine...oh mine and part of me!

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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Yea this feels like silent treatment.... Was it something I said?

author comment

...the ai is confused by the relationship of some words and thoughts. It's like a digital stroke, I think. Wouldn't it be cool to understand what it's programming encounters? Its reaction? Don't read too far into it. Just keep writing...


. like my lost dreams...the flood

Haha you mean I scrambled up it's wires with a few lines. It definetly would be insanely cool to read a poem as the AI would. The punishment we must be dealing to the poor thing with all our phrasing of things. OK I'll keep at it then

author comment

the theme has potential if you are looking to clean it up.


Everyone has something to help others improve. That's how communities grow.


. like my lost dreams...the flood

Nicely spotted... Thanxs

author comment

I was diggin' it, humming along...then this line brought me up short:

Out there under a terrific heavenly dome

actually it was the word "terrific" that squelched my ear, like playing a wrong note on a musical instrument! Perhaps another descriptor? I find no fault with the rest of your lovely poem. These lines are pure enchantment:

While the stars blinked and blushed,
Among the shadows solemnly hushed,
We swayed and swayed as the trees
Do with the breeze...
We swayed, we swayed,
With a "moon and tide" ease.

I love it!, even the inevitable grief that sets in... so poignant!

*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

I love that you loved it. Thank you for reading, I know I always get solid feedback when you do. "Poignant" is what I was gunning for haha.

author comment

But, as an African, I'm hoping you aren't bewitching your enemies during these times #jokes

Very strong word play


You know how it is Koki....the loing never stops man.
If I don't witch the hell outta yall how will you lern? Haha

author comment

Yea it's long.. I like to thoroughly spill out my guts. I guess this is where we stand apart... You being the brief 2line guy and the 2 paragraph dude.

author comment

In real life

I choose my words
When I have time


I also struggle with writing like you

It's a skill


Thank you... And you choose your words beautifully.... Precise shots to deliver emense emotion.. I'd like to learn that

author comment

Lol, Seems like y'all decided
To catch flu

But, young lovers
Take risks

Lovely piece


Thanks big time. When it's new... It's unstoppable... C'mon you know this.

author comment
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