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April contest WHY MY POEMS STINK

There is an old scribbler named Stan
who writes every chance that he can.
He thinks that he's good
but he really should
stop penning his lines on the can.

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
I don't think limericks are supposed to have titles but I couldn't resist titling this one with this title. PS the word "can" is English slang for toilet.
Editing stage: 


You include this in April's contest Mr. Scribbler?
I thought you have a chance to win the big prize.
Not bad at all.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

But now I have to figure out the new system for inclusion lol. Glad you enjoyed it.......stan

author comment

I just wanted to draw your attention to the fact that you haven't chosen the contest button. That's all


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

The title seems a necessary part of this .
I'm glad you couldn't resist, otherwise it would fall a little less sitting down on the can when the seat was still up!

you have found a potty of gold at the end of a Febreezey rainbow
Oh! the sweet smell of success!


Kinda shows the importance of titles doesn't it? I've never understood the forms where titles aren't used and people who title their stuff by numbers such as "Sonnet # 15". Appreciate your visit and glad you dropped by.........stan

author comment

good one.


thank you.........stan

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I very important room in the scheme of things in relation to writing some are number one and others
are number two. I think that mine are basically number two LOL

(as he flushes the toilet)

Eddie C.


Hi Eddie
There are times when that's about the only place one can "go" to think lol. Not always time to seek sylvan solitude lmao..............stan

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This is a classic example with humour and the punch right at the tail end.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

I was just going through some of my stuff and lo and behold I somehow neglected to reply to remark. My apologies.....stan

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I resisted the temptation to add a limerick on the end of the thread. I tend normally to think of one such leading to many more as others join in the fun.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

Just for fun let's all who want to post s limerick here. Doesn't have to strictly adhere to the rules of limericks but just a bit of humor in a short poem.........stan

author comment

A scribbler who hangs here called Stan
with gusto and also elan
captures a mood,
not misunderstood
because he’s a very plain man.

I’ve read all that Jane Austen wrote,
her wit really floats my old boat.
She says in a phrase
what takes Dickens days,
happy endings she said in a quote.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

Stan be happy... as a man only your poetry may stink
have mercy on my soul
they all say block your nose...
no oe should enjoy
Loved's dose
let him now dose
ha ha ha
I stink also
humour or not Stan
Loved you also forgot

Never ceases to amaze me how often an edit leads to further comments, .............stan

author comment

post silly stinking poetry

Now I got it
why more read thee
than me
but ur poetry is silly
and I me

This is very good although there is a slight loss of rhythm to the last line. I could make a suggestion but I think you have the ability to sort this yourself. Remember, all poetry, no matter how flippant the meaning, deserves to be written well.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

There once was a poet they called him chappy
because he's single he was happy
He'd write some sonnets
and wear nice bonnets
That neither cheap nor crappy


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Oh my, Rula's seen my blue bonnet
complete with tall feather on it.
What can I say
to answer today,
that won't make her giggle or vomit.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

There is an old man pretty old
who wrote maybe ten poems all told
he tried for a good even rhythm
but to most it was already a given
his attempts like his head grew just mold...............stan

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