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GHETTO TALE (horror shop)part 1,2 and 3

Startled awake in a cold sweat
in stuffy heat of mid September
shaking her head, she can't forget
though she'd prefer to not remember
the nightmare of her life now left behind.

The baby cries out once again.
so that's what woke her from her sleep,
the sound of need from his play pen.
She stumbles in the dark to take a peep
at the one good thing in her life.

The door squeaks when opened, night light's on.
She thinks she saw something flash by
from the direction of her son;
just a floater in her sleepy eye.
She reaches down to check her child.

Then the light switch is finally found,
her child now calm within her arms,
her voice a reassuring sound,
he knows she'll keep him from all harms
and soon drifts back to a deep sleep.

She lays him back in his play pen
and sits in a nearby rocking chair
as memories return again
carrying her mind back there
to the flight from the intolerable.

To that man who had sired her son
to the man who turned her life to hell
since their marriage had first begun,
who'd beat her until eyes would swell,
who'd rape her almost every night.

And then one night he'd hit their child
which threw a switch within her mind
turning her from meek and mild
to one whose rage made her near blind.
She killed him that night in his sleep.

Then loaded everything she had,
took beloved child and drove away
(perhaps that night she had been mad)
but she was sane come break of day
having set sights on a better life.

Four states away she came to ground,
with her last money rented a shack
then took the first job that she found.
Her budget allowed little slack
but at least her child was safe.

Back in the chair sleep overtakes her
and as her eyelids start to fall
just as she succumbs to sleep's calm lure
is that faint scratchings in the wall?.......

Thus it goes night after night:
exhaustion then interrupted sleep
to comfort her child from an imagined fright
while in the dark grey brothers creep
mistaken for mere blurring eyes.

Then one night sleep takes a stronger hold,
no nightmares only pleasant dreams
of pure snow and crisp biting cold........
Then slapped awake by baby's screams!!!!!!

She lurches up and stumbles in a daze
opens his door, turns on the light
rushes to crib where baby lays
then stops....frozen by the sight.

Three huge rats take another bite
one gets the last finger, another an eye
none fleeing from the blinding light
from their meal , tongueless, trying to cry
all partaking in their tender feast.

Then one slices into a big vein
and blood fountains in a scarlet stream
in this nightmare of real red and pain;
the mother joins her child to scream.
In her padded room she's screaming still
they say she likely always will.
part 2

Until years later silence reigns
so the guard go check her room
spotted with old urine stains
there's no one there within the gloom.
just a scrap of her hospital gown.

The grill is gone from the floor drain
just large enough for a small woman
especially one who is insane
with hatred for each single man
replacing fear within her mind.

They search the sewers down below
but all trace of her is gone
and in their head lamp's dispersed glow
the search is given up come dawn.
They guess she'll turn up one day soon

She found an exit to the street
got out and looked around in fear.
The only sound is her heart's beat
as she ducks into an alley, near
in the worst part of the ghetto.

There she furtively looks around
then burrows beneath a cardboard box
feeling like some prey now run to ground,
perhaps a bobcat or sly fox.
She curls up in a fetal form.

There she sleeps for two full days
till hunger forces her awake
her eyes covered in sleep's glaze
she slowly stands on legs that quake
and furtively surveys the scene.

Dumpsters, trash cans, all past full
spill their rancid perfume in the air.
The sun is their but shining dull;
a stray cat howls in fear somewhere
and a rat scurries from a burst trash bag.

Far back in the alley's end
a grimy door is thrown open
and a grubby man prepares to send
food scraps flying like to a pig pen
to dumpster which is almost clean.

The door slams back, she stumbles to there
attracted by the smell of food
and there in the dumpster tossed with no care
are diner scraps, she starts to brood
then climbs in and eats her fill.

Thus she sustains her days and nights
unseen among the city's litter
still pursued by nocturnal frights
ignored by all the downtown's glitter
spiraling further into madness.

Part 3
Until one damp and moonless night
in midst of a heat wave
she wanders from her usual site
to wanderlust she turns a slave
and scampers to the water front.

Nose twitches with the tang of salt
and the smell of old refuse
deep inside a warehouse vault
which has long been in disuse.
She enters it in search of food.

Dark as inside of a black cow
hands in front to feel her way
a whiff of something is caught now;
and the whiff becomes her prey.
She follows it to a dark stairway.

Down the rickety stair she goes
the scent transforms into fresh meat
then concrete meets her questing toes
so quiet she hears her heart beat
and a nearby chittering.

Completely blind she stumbles on
in search of the fresh meal;
outside has come the break of dawn
a furtive touch elicits a short squeal.

Then the sound of fleeing paws
are heard as red eyes flee from her
they give her little cause to pause
for now hunger makes her mouth slobber.
Then she almost falls upon her treat.

Squatting down she feels raw flesh
then draws a match to light the scene
hoping the meal is still fresh
not yet having turned to green.
Then the match is struck.

Such tiny flame, such huge horror
a half consumed bum at her feet
but not only that appears to her
gnawed bones lay about her feet
and in numerous surrounding piles.

And the match reveals myriad red eyes
surrounding her and drawing near
then showing a slight surprise
when silently she shows no fear.
Instead she starts to laugh.

Then she builds a fire to cook
meat is meat her mad mind declares
(this recipe is in no book)
She cuts and cooks beneath rats' stares
then invites them to join the feast............

Thirty years or more ago they say
since the woman was last seen
and never in the light of day
when her hordes all sit still and preen
tending the needs of the RAT QUEEN.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
You wanted a rough draft so here it is
Editing stage: 


awesome story. The horrorfying ending had me gasping for air. Stories are in my head but writing them down so eloquently is as horrifying as seeing my screaming baby fingers, eyes and tongue eaten out by rats.
Smh on that one.

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

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I figured there's be a lot of vampire, werewolf and sci fi type stuff and spent a bit of time thinking about something truly horrible that could actually happen. This is the result........stan

author comment

I is going to stay awake for the next few nights, you has upset my rational think and thrown it into a cross between fury sadness and insanity.
Great write,
Yours, Ian..

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

It's a bit on the long side but I think it takes a bit of time to set up a good horror story. Glad it spooked you at least a little.........stan

author comment

A mother's nightmare
A good theme Stan.... left me feeling quite disturbed
love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

Now you've been disturbed since i knew you so don't blame this for it lol. Seriously, it took a while to come up with something that hadn't been worn out and I'm pleased you were affected by this. Do you hear something scripting in the wall?...................stan

author comment

This is a tough one to critique, especially for someone who hates critiquing! LOL!! Plenty of story line with good imagery, but it sort of rambles a bit much in my modest opinion. Perhaps if you put more of your usual self into this it will work a bit better!

This shop required that we post raw then edit later. Your critique is spot on as to this tale not being as smooth as it might should be. But i wonder if the unsteady aspect might not mirror the unsteady state of mind of the protagonist so I'm gonna have to put some thought into the edit to keep the state of mind while also making it easier to read. Appreciate your pointing out something which I only suspected was there.........stan

author comment

It's all there. Who cares about the tale... you had an exposition, multiple complications which fed one another, a hideous climax (unexpected) and a resolution.
I know you'll clean up the typos.
The only suggestion I would offer is to tease us about the rats more. Droppings, other things dead around the place... I would let us almost be able to guess what is going to happen and like in a movie theater we're squealing "get out of there you dumb bitch".

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

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The NeoPoet Mentor Program

It's hard to shock people if there are too many clues left lying around and part of this poem is the denial of the mother about what she'd been seeing out of the corners of her eyes. Plus this is a shop poem so I tried to keep it from being Too long although I could easily add another 5 stanzas which would further burden other shop members............I'll give this a couple of more days to gather ideas then see what I can do in terms of improvement.........stan

author comment

We excel in "size". I would add the stanza. We can take it. And I was serious about well it was formatted as far as story is concerned.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

Learn how, teach others.
The NeoPoet Mentor Program

Here comes stan with possible reality in horror and boy did he just make our job You may consider my first reaction as your triumph. I really don't know how to critique this one.


I'd feel good to read a response which included "eew,yuck and bleh" lol. But I guess that's a hoped for response to a poem like this lol........stan

author comment

Stanza 6, line 4
''who'd beat her unties eyes would swell,''
errr what do you mean by ''unties''?


I am reading this for the first time as I am a late entry to the shop. The end was gruesome and unexpected. Totally flipped my stomach. Every mothers worst fear is having something happen to her child. The background story of a struggling mom in an abusive relationship was Great and how she took matters into her own hands. Abuse can turn a person from all that is right and reasonable. Well done.

Keep Writing,

"Quoth said the Raven, NEVERMORE"

I took a que from Stephen King who so often used young people to increase the horror of what's happening....and what could be younger than an baby? Hope you will read the conclusion which is being written now...........stan

author comment

so I'm just getting around to reading the finished products. All of the story pieces are there. I like the thing and think it's one of the more truly disgusting pieces you have written (and you've written some sick and twisted stuff).
In the last part when she sees a rat again for the first time I would have had a deeper reaction before she goes overboard and starts eating their meal, but otherwise I wouldn't change a thing.

Oh yeah, I love the length.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

Learn how, teach others.
The NeoPoet Mentor Program

I had considered how to have her react to seeing rats again and decided she had already become so rat-like that she would pay them little heed. Why rats? Everybody can relate to the grey brothers because they are everywhere we are. I once read a book of mutated giant rats and in one attack a movie theatre was attacks. The worst image was a man sitting petrified by horror as a rat sat in his lap and burrowed into his stomach...................compared to That this is pretty tame.........stan

author comment

as a turning point, but it does not glare.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

Learn how, teach others.
The NeoPoet Mentor Program

The first poem I've ever written without first putting it on paper where it could be reviewed while transferring it to computer. For some reason this shop seemed to demand this........stan

author comment

to when I last read
the meter is a little rough the more we get into the write, maybe you'd like to check that out ....

I wonder if, in the mad state she is in, she would be bothering with making fires for cooking.... I think it would be more likely that she'd be tearing at the raw bum with her teeth....

Also maybe there could be more horror factor if the owner of the bum was still alive ?

(A thought. The rats might think her more their queen if she did make fires though..... to keep them warm ... and one would come in handy, keeping her subjects in order with the threat of burning them, as well as being able to throw a couple of them on to it in times of unavailable human flesh)

Nice job re horror Stan, needs a tidy up to make the read smoother

Love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

the shop requested rough entries (which was a boon for me lol) just to encourage ideas for improvement. And your suggestions are sound........stan

author comment

I kind of like it the way it is. Some of the later lines grow a bit, but I didn't notice in the read. And it is admirably disgusting.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

Learn how, teach others.
The NeoPoet Mentor Program

Just exactly how should one take "admirably disgusting" when said about his/her poem? lmao

author comment

is what first comes to mind when I finished reading this. I think this means it's horrible in one way or another.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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likely is brother to horror I reckon. i was trying to join the two together...........stan

author comment

is merely a synonym of horror.
Maybe not.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

Learn how, teach others.
The NeoPoet Mentor Program

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