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What inspires a poem/prose? Tolkein.

In Poesiringen in Norway aninvited member's Poetry site this was put in 3rd January 2012.

Beer, Mothers, and One Hell of a Revelation

i can always say that i'm mad at my mom. for whatever reason i'm angry, no matter how petty, i can always trace it back to her just being HER (CAPS for lack of italics). and i understand that that's just how it is sometimes. i've known since i was twelve that my mother and i are maybe one inch off of being EXACTLY the same; although if you know both of us on deeper levels you would beg to differ.

Happy New Year

from down under ... Much love from us all

Hugs Jayne

You were the top of the mountain once

When the uninterested carrier pigeon rode bicycles without training wheels
and political myopia bit into mountains of coal dust.....


You were on top of the mountain once
and the view was magnificent,

we were emperors of sunrise then.


Greetings to All Neopoets

This is to wish you, your beloved family & friends Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to follow... I pray for The Lord to shower you all with His Blessing for the best of Health, Peace, Love, Prosperity, Success and a Harmonious Life.

With much love..raj...

what the hell do you say in a blog?

am i supposed to complain or something? i honestly have no idea what i'm doing. i could let you in on the GCCS highschool drama, but i think i'll stick with just my friends for now. with all the stress that school is bringing, i'm not so sure of myself anymore. my friend from long island says to me, "where did the self confident girl i used to know go, because i'd like to see her again. what happened to singing just because you love to and not listening to your parents when they put you down?" i told her i didn't know, because that's the truth.


I don't recall whether I've already announced the publiction of my book. It's titled TO WALK BENEATH ASPENS and is available on Amazon's Kindle for only 99 cents.(Probably over priced lol) So try the free sample and see what you think........................stan


"Longing is the foundation of the human condition — don’t we all want what we can’t have? Whether it’s the greed that is the cornerstone of a villain or the unrequited love of a star-crossed couple, the hole that a reader sees gnawing away at a character echoes personally.The great irony, of course, is that we expect that missing piece to be the thing that brings happiness — and it rarely is." Jodi Picault

Critique Freak?

Maybe i am.
and why?
In four years at Neopoet I have learned more about the writing of poetry, and the reading of it, than in the fourty years before that. That was a direct result of writing exactly as I thought of each poem. And being prepared to accept poo flung back.

Almost all the great poets we know grew their poetry in an immediate community of poets. We are trying to do it online. Where of course, we can edit so much before speech.

So we need to say it true and now.


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