Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


TED TALK: *Nurturing Creativity*

A must see.

Elizabeth Gilbert, author or Eat Pray Love...

All Shark Pool participants past, present and future

I'd like to refer you to Lou's latest workshop "Brainstorming" and join in there. The Sharks can wait til after this one which is an innovative new approach and worth supporting.

Shark Pool Blog

Well, it's been 6 workshops now and we seem to have some solid regulars. As the site re-opens to the public can I ask you all to be nice to the newcomers (yes, me too). They are brave enough entering a place with this name.

I am genuinely asking all of you who have participated or even commented for feedback and ideas.

I would like to do the next one on meter again. It's a musical aspect of poetry too often abused and ignored in both free and classic verse.

But I'm an anarchist. Tell me what you want and the consensus will prevail.

Splash Pool Inspiration

Why not join the SplashPool workshop on the 4th of December for a lively exchange of ideas using the brain storming method as a source for original ideas, and have fun writing with others.

We will meet in the workshop chat room, time to be confirmed,

If you are interested please visit the Splash Pool Work Shop page for more details,

PM me if you wish to join.


How dare he?!?!?!

Well, the day after Thanksgiving, my boyfriend dumped me, over text, for one of my super hot, skanky friends. He had spent the previous day at her house, and, as it turns out, had been cheating on me with her for several week. Thanksgiving night, I had a feeling that he had lost interest in me, and was more interested in my friend. I told him my feelings and he assured me that they where unfounded. At 11:30 am the next morning he dumped me! WTF!?!

HACKED (a short story)

Anson Grey was a gentle man. He knew this because he had worked at becoming one for years. Indeed, it had taken nearly fifteen years in a veteran's psyche ward to regain this gentle disposition he'd had before he joined an elete covert ops team. A team of men who specialized in very ungentle ways of neutralizing enemies.

Emotional chat

sunday 26th 3pm New York 8pm GMT

We will be discussing emotional poetry:

1) how do we write it without being melodramatic
2) how much of ourselves should we expose
3) does emotional mean sad?

We will discuss anything that is in keeping with the theme .


Chat On The Darkside...

I have been given the go-ahead to resume Chat on the Darkside! The first Saturday of December, will be the first session of Chat on the Darkside. 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. I expect that all dark poets shall have a "Dark Poem", for us to critique. It can be whatever you want, funny, sarcastic, romantic, your choice, just make it Dark! And short! A couple of hundred words, more or less. I know you are out there, so com'on, this is your chance to show us the Darkside! ~ Geezer


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