Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


A Brazilian Portuguese poe you ca pronounce

.Namorados amam
.Até não amam mais
nada que esiste
esiste para sempre
e o presente pôe-se pasado
E os que dizem “eternidade”
Falam só “saudade”

nahmoor-AD-oosh uh-mã [squeeze nostrils when you see this sign ~] auh AS IN “UH, I SEE]
Ah-tey nõw uh-mã m-eye-sh
Nuhduh ezeesh-tchee p-uh-ruh s~empree
Oo pray-z~ntchee p~oy-see puh-sah-doo
ee oozh kee dzeez~ey-m ey-ternee-dad -gee
Fal~a soh sa-oo-dad-gee

Petrarch and his sonnet

On April 26 1336 Francesco Petrarca (July 20, 1304- July 19, 1374), his brother and two servants climbed to the top of Mont Ventoux in the south of France. His reason was purely recreational which was something quite unheard of in those days. In a letter to his friend Dionigi di Borgo San Sepolcro he describes his journey in a grand and sweeping manner that focused on the beauty of the scenery. The letter is still quoted in various reference works on the sport of mountaineering. Upon reaching the summit, Petrarca took from his pocket a volume written by his mentor St. Augustine.

Your Eyes ..Released for reading


Such beautiful eyes
are they for real
or an artist’s creative imagination
of a beautiful soul
upon your eyes lay lips of mine
a smile shall do
when you close your eyes
and open again
the love that ensues
will bind you


So do I
as your voice reverberates
across the continents

On this not so sunny
but chilly enough noon
I appreciate this poemic comment too,
hear your voice
Dear friend...

snipe 3.....


If death,
be the finale of life
could be so simple
and sweet,
doctors would be beggars
on the lonely street

Now even God has to seek permission
to enter an ICU, where
wires, signals and methodology
read only computerised interpretation.

You seek calm
on her bosom
how do you know?
that it couldn't be reverse.
a rendition
By Almighty
who so ever he may be

HI everyone

I missed a week but I'm back, doing a room this Saturday. Tomorrow the 25th at 11 to midnight.
I hope everyone can join. The theme will be "how are men and women wired differently" in the brain.
I have wondered on this subject for a long time and want other peoples opinion on it,
I can't wait to see you all then.

See ya then.Nichole

Please respond. A workshop blog

Tell us the workshops you want.
We have a few ideas

'Meter for real beginners

Assonance and consonance

Ideas for poems

Profound ideas


internal logic

find your alter ego

surrealistic poetry

using Advanced Formatting

I will add the ideas to the syllabus

Do add anything you can think of. I will add them to the ideas.

Love, Jess

The Neoponic Wars


There’s flesh on the pen
The ink is running red
The Wars have begun again
The ammo is running low
No place to hide. No place to go.
Stand and resist the next blow.
I’ve bled before in these wars
Words sharp and cruel cut deep
Maim the spirit. Stun the soul
But don’t kill anyone

Celebrate Love

Like flowers keep blooming
in gardens and the wild
Like phases of the Moon
from crescent to the full
Love and be loved
through sunshine and rain
far or near where ever be
true love is just a beat away

Wishing all Neopoets Happy Valentines Day


Late nights with me :)

Bring your popcorn, bring your soda. Sit back and enjoy the show. You'll be sure to get plenty of laughs tonight in my room. Sorry for the short notice in my blog.
Thank you and I hope you can join.



FIRST DA OF SCHOOL AND OTHER THINGS: September 1948, Bronx, New York


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