Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Who says you can't crit content?

Read the Community Guidelines
They say nothing about critting content, only about critting the poet personally.

Some people have smugly suggested that they are not critting commenting "according to the rules". Utter bullshit.

Do a search with the word 'content'
Every single hit is about critting comment.

oh my god, it's not LIKE that!

so what's this "nature" thing again?
so wait, i'm supposed to feel that?
and you just said i can't - ? what?
whatever. makes no sense, but WHATEVER.
no, i'm not going to.
what's it matter if i feel it or not?
i wouldn't. not yet anyway.
no! not with them!
i'm telling you, it doesn't matter.
i see him as a teddy bear and teddy bears are not anatomically correct.
no i haven't thought about it.
yes, i just did, you happy?
well you just made me think about it!


After looking in the web I found this ref:-


And I was about to say what I thought it was; I refer to my mother's verses where the word silvern is repeatedly used, it might have some import in a poem in the Romantic period, but now appears totally fay (my own definition of fey); but why? Styles of writing change, and who are we to judge the poetry of another era when perhaps the word was used well, and didn't appear odd or cliché.


I need not be read , when there is no need to be ,as Freestyle poetry has been germinated by me What shrapnells now can you cast at me .
PLEASE DO COMMENT ,How -so -ever

What is Art?

Ann's Ruff tranalation of a painter's poem on the Norwegian Poesiringen New Year 2011 :-
Her English is debatable!(ann)

Dear Arild( Instigator of the site) This is not a Christmas poem, it isn't a New Years poem, it is a "not-a-poem," with the theme said way too much about, all the words, all the theses, and modernisms, that in the end have killed everything that which poetry of vision, that is its true spirit.

Quick Note: Good Poetry Empathizes

After the lenghty essay I posted a few days ago, I want to leave this short note on my thoughts concerning the essence of a good poem.

I’ve struggled to hit the mark for several obvious reasons. Anyone who has been full hardy enough to attempt a generalisation in poetry will be familiar with the backlash.

Even then, I will boldly state, at the risk of hubris, that a good poem is one that can empathise with the reader. This came to me in a brief moment of inspiration, and I must relate to you what I feel is right about poetry.

short story:The Luck of Numberta

Student submission: Eduardo Cruz
Professor Sally Leslie; remedial writing class
University of Maryland

The Luck of Numberta

Numberta Vigori impatiently waited for the train.
At this snails pace, I’ll be home at 9:30pm with only a half hour to go meet Dave.
I hope he pops the question, I will immediately say yes, who wouldn’t. Dave will be out of Colombia University soon and interning at some hospital, hopefully at Mt. Sinai. In two years he’ll have is own Cardiovascular Practice. I will be living like a Queen, she thought smiling to herself.

New year

Well the new year has come. In one way I wouldn't think it would ever get here. And in another I didn't think it would slow down. I hope this year is better than last year. For myself and others. Difficult things here seem to be coming to a head and will soon be over, I just can't wait for that. It's a good start to a new year. I may be going to Collage. Studding the professional line i have a passion for...Animals. I'm going to be a dog groomer making a LOT of money, I never knew they made that much. It's very cold here I just wish we would get more snow.



Metri Gratia (for the sake of meter).

If the poet has bread and butter, it is meter.

Prosody is a linguistic term that in its relationship with poetry describes the study of the mechanics of verse. It is commonly separated into three sections- isochrony, intonation and stress. Of these three, isochrony is the most critical for the written word. It is the postulated (or claimed) rhythmic division of time into equal portions by language.

Or in other words… meter.


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