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Crowns Across America Pageant

NyKera (Nae) The Pageant Girl in The Crowns Across America Pageant

First pageant @ three months
    She was my Derieon girl in her fancy Belk's pocky dots sun dress with bright colors @ the princess of princess crowns across america. She won first runner up. Most beautiful eyes.

Second pageant @ six months
    She was my Roca Wear girl in her fancy Roca Wear Ball Room creamy white dress  @ the Easter pageant of 2010. She won first runner up. Most beautiful eyes.

See you when Santas on his way lol

I am running out of Neopoet time but life calls and I got to get back to work ... I will be back around Christmas ... hope you all have a great thanksgiving and Halloween ...

I will miss you all like crazy ... if you have my email drop me a line or send me some poetry to keep me going till I get back ...

love to all Jayne-Chloe x x

p.s I will try and call in when time permits


“Go to the pine if you want to learn about the pine, or to the bamboo if you want to learn about the bamboo.

And in doing so, you must let go of your subjective preoccupation with yourself.

Otherwise you impose yourself on the object and don’t learn.

Your poetry arises by itself when you and the object have become one, when you have plunged deep enough into the object to see something like a hidden light glimmering there.

Grand Four

Great Grand Weather Cast Has Arrived
Submitted by Barbara Writes on Mon, 2011-10-10 00:15

You dont know a thing about me Mr know it all

enjoy ... :) I will lay a bet someone will come in here thinking I am bagging them ...

NOT just one of my favourite songs hahahahaha

I got a smile a mile long ... Love love and more love to all


I am home

skype deruta116


Ian .I have something to tell you.

An epitaph

for when I go
to the land of no return.

Thank you
for being in my life.

For making flowers
bloom in my footsteps,
giving colour,
perfume to my mind.

Without you,
life would have been
dark and wilted.

Do not feel distressed
my time came.

I have not regretted

Blessed with genes
that allowed me to express
my sense of existence:
in painting,
and dance.

What more
can one wish for?

Thank you
from my heart.

The World vs. Wall Street

The World vs Wall Street

Message flagged
Friday, October 7, 2011 7:36 AM
Dear friends,

Thousands of Americans have taken over Wall Street -- joining a global movement from Madrid to Jerusalem to take back democracy from corrupt interests. If millions of us stand with them, we'll boost their spirits and show the media and leaders that this is no fringe movement. Click below to sign the petition - every signature will be counted on a giant live counter in the middle of the Wall St. occupation:

my final work

i m sittiiiing in front of my pc in inttensive care unit Delray hospital Florida,,Not Parkinsons..sudden renal failure. need learn to be kinder to one another ave a soul i commend it in the name of JESUS CHRIST. And shoulld I pass,Ipray to close my eyes and should they oien again, Ihope to see mamma and pappa waiiting for me

very few knew the meaning of my poetry. this is the ine thaatis the cornerstone of my essence. i don't want to wwrite again.


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