Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Open Chat This Sunday

Come and have chat sunday 30th at 2pm New York time 7pm GMT.

Maybe we could write a group poem for Halloween for example, or we play a poetry themed game or just chat, I'm up for suggestions when it comes to subject matter as it's an open chat.

Come and have fun.


Panhala Poetry ~ Wendell Berry

I've been subscribed to this poetry site for several years. Love the poetry selected. Today it's from
Wendell Berry. The Bokonon quote I have been at-one-ment-with since I first read it....

How To Be a Poet -- Wendell Berry

Let your life be the poem you write. -- Bokonon

How To Be a Poet
(to remind myself)

An Apology To Neo Poets

I feel I must apologize for the disruption, confusion, and paranoia my poem/blog might have generated on the sight. At the time I wrote it, I was hurt and confused. I believe now that I was mislead in p.m.’s, about another member’s actions and feelings towards me. I’m not sure what this person may have stood to gain but I feel I was the tool used in this deception and disruption. I apologize to you all for having been taken in, in this matter. This person has now deleted their account. NEO is a great place to share our poetry and to find help with same.

Starship Lullabye

just found this guy recently absolutely love his music hes a Kiwi

One Too Many ,..Perhaps

I have composed countless poems

As you know
Since I have no fixed mind ,
nor fixture of mind,
I am an unique entity...

No two poems of mine are alike,
as i believe in variety
Loved Style,
All my while .

I stand in no row or queue
of recognition ,
as I know twill never come,
when I am alive .

But then it will be too late
which they will.


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