Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Not that anyone gives two ?@)|@_1

I don't suppose any give a crap what my opinion is,but i've decided i'm not giving up on this site , for a while i lost heart , everyone seemed to be leaving, and there didn't seem too many people that had a positive word, to say about the workshops. But with the re-launch on the horizon, i feel that the site is on the verge of a re-birth. Or atleast i hope so.

Some fresh blood, will do us all some good, hopefully to feel inspired enough to post, and critique again.

Late nights with Me :)

I'm proud to present to you, that I will be hosting rooms late 12 midnight to 1AM Eastern standard time, every Saturday night now. It's almost like the Late late show LOL
I look forward to my rooms and I hope everyone can join. Bring your chatty side, a blanket and hot coco.
I can't wait to see you then.

Sincerely, Nichole

Cirque de la Nuit -- part two

              Nuit la plus sombre est là ...



Cirque de la Nuit

this is a really rough draft of a story about a dream i had. it was amazing but comes and goes in bits and pieces so i'm trying to take it slow and roll with it.    

Tonight 11 PM to midnight

HI everybody it's me again.
I'm excited to say I'm hosting a room tonight from 11PM to Midnight.
I can't wait to get started so i hope EVERYONE comes :)
Bring your chatty side :)


All this discussion on GOD

I belong to a group who is sent poems either by ourselves or other known poets every day, recently there have been an overweight of poems with God and religion as the theme so I, being asked, and joining others who felt the same, and threatened to leave the group, sent this:-

the Clark's Bar Sign

i stood there in the steep driveway; counting the seconds by the blinking of the big arrow pointing toward the door rather than the clock hanging on the wall. just standing there while the eighth wonder of the world played out in front of me -- car after car after car after car speeding by -- in Gilboa. GILBOA, where the only traffic jams are three car line ups behind temporary road work stop lights. this amazing thing made me think for some reason: where are my friends right now? most likely not waiting for a historical event to end.

Days with Charlotte

I wonder how things done with tiny tots influence them in later years, do you have any special experiences with them?

Three year old Charlotte was my child during the daytime, a 'dagmamma' in Norwegian, she was about 2 years old when we went to Vaar Frelsersgravlund in Oslo, Our Saviours Graveyard. There were many big trees and many old elaborate graves, at the centre of the graveyard was a hillock, also with graves on it.

You say you want a Revolution.

Well, ya know?...

"the real issues presented by American poetry in the Eighties will become clearer: the debasement of poetic language; the prolixity of the lyric; the bankruptcy of the confessional mode; the inability to establish a meaningful aesthetic for new poetic narrative and the denial of a musical texture in the contemporary poem. The revival of traditional forms will be seen then as only one response to this troubling situation." (Dana Gioia)


whoever called you a bird-brain
is at least as smart
as the average
roof-tubing crow

(Enjoy! Notice how he takes off with the tube!)


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