Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Poetry in waiting

Of Poetry!

Well to my semi dwarfed mind
without knowing the nuances
of concoction of poetry,
save verbal criticism
I feel the power of sharing
what one knows or deems to know,
with ones brethren

Myth, Fairytale and Reality? (poem)

When the final curtain falls upon my eyes
while the Gods haggling sounds like barks
and winged creatures do battle high above
for whom will obtain my life’s spark
as I return to the great void
to wait and see whom will call
if by chance might I return to the human race,

Cirque de la Nuit part three

Et elle a commencé à chanter ...


Oh! Watch "Pandaemonium"

It's a movie about Coleridge and Wordsworth and the creative process and it grabs me every time
You may find it hard to find, it wasn't a blockbuster, but any good video shop should have it or be able to get it for you.

Did you know that in his time Coleridge was also regarded as a great critic?

Late tonight with me :)

I'm hosting a room tonight at 11PM eastern standard time to 12PM midnight. Feel free to stay longer i'd be very pleased :) I hope every one of my Neo friends can make and and I hope to meet more people and make new friends, this is ALWAYS my goal. Although, please bring you vitamin C pills and Airborne because i have a nasty cold. Achoo!!! lol Can't wait to see yall then. :) Take care.


Everyone can comment on workshop poetry.

It is open to the Stream. The Workshops are an integral part of Neopoet.
You are just asked to read the syllabus of the workshop to understand the context.

Some workshops specifically ask members to ignore content to learn technique, others ask them to post rough drafts to show development.

It is not writ large on the page, so you could miss it, but if you see a poem is a workshop poem, please read the syllabus before commenting. Feedback from the participants is usually highlighted in blue box, that's another sign you may have missed that it is a workshop poem.

Chat on the Darkside...

This chat will be devoted to each participant bringing one verse of dark poetry to the chat for discussion and critique. Bring your darkest thoughts! Any form is acceptable, rhyme, free-form, etc. Make it up as you go, or bring something you have written. One verse only please, as we need time to critique each one!
Saturday, on the 4th, at 8pm until 10 pm. See you there!
~ Geezer

To Expose or not Expose

How much should one expose about themselve's, when writing a poem? This is the eternal question, and a subject I have considered ever since i started writing. Because when you do invest a poem with your own emotions, good and bad, you leave your self open to other people's opinion, which may be negative.

To Whom It may Concern

Your poetry and your content IS one and the same. Let's put that baby bugaboo to rest.

Who's writing it? Your heart, your mind, your alter-ego, your soul, your spirit? It's all about you regardless of the subject.

Yes. You.

And when I write a poem, the content is all about me, my thoughts, feelings, alter-ego, soul, spirit, etc. bad, arrogant, stupid, over[-the top-Anna, etc. etc.

So fuck anyone that says we shouldn't comment on content. Ever hear of the it's all about me meme?

The language of Love...

Valentine's Day is on the horizon...Why we offer gifts, tokens and words to captivate our "love object".
Take a psychological look at how we connect with others, from our earliest nascent, pre-verbal experiences, and see how this attachment forms a blue print for future romantic connections!
Join me on Feb. 1st and spend a New York hour, between 1-2pm to explore this interesting psychological terrain!


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