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suitcase rich
and heavy
thick with tapestry bold
laced up with history
weighted with years
with passion
dripping stained in lust

my tears fall upon the handle
when I'm at the middle of the lake
the moon soft and calling
when happier days our
lives did make

much happier now
the burden sinks
and waves ripple
caressing our link

and the witness stars

Editing stage: 


Okay, I got this one. Rather disturbing, isn't it? This is why I read your poetry. wesley

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

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pack up troubles in the old kit bag
and move along
nothing to see
move along


author comment

very weighted poetic message! You do amaze... Loved the imagery and...

much happier now
the burden sinks
and waves ripple
caressing our link

and the witness stars

always, Cat (& eddy)

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

still others consult bones
and read cards by candlelight
or stare at the math of stars
for insight

and in the shallow of the night
the gentle voice that brings me

"baby I need you...I'm so cold!"

author comment

the use of [carrion] instead of [carry-on] luggage. Leaving the remains of a relationship to sink beneath the waves. Great image! ~ Gee

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

to cleanse to say farewell
I never threw anything into the deep as I believe lakes are alive
spirits I respect and fear water greatly!

I knew a woman though who lived out of her suitcase
and remember finding one on the side of the road that
was a travellers...why it was tossed I can only surmise
I have my own..heartfelt meaning items

Yes I wrote this dark
poe wrote his and straub and king

Carrion as in carry light I always said
we shant be long but lives lived
and dust we shall become
so Live in the still and breath
of today

Thank You

author comment

"when happier days our
lives did make"
This didn't sound like you, contrived to rhyme, no.
But you are having us on, with your big wink at the end :)

Nordic cloud.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

entertaining now
When Poe wrote his dark darlings they still were employing children
in factories and they were starving on the streets
there were so many
even know in our wild world we human animals
destroy beauty in what we cannot own nor hold
We would tear the sun from its moorings
and shatter its love for us if we could out of spite
that so much is in the psyche
it is the empathyic growth and heart that saves
us from the mass savagery
otherwise we would be long gone
obliterating ourselves out to the last long

Like that you like this Ann

Thank You

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