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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


one windy day at the lake
a loud whistling in the wind roared
spurned tornadoes breaking windows
along the lake's shore

suddenly, abruptly the quiet ended
as the cellar door opened then banged shut
screaming children crying mommy I'm scared
to sirens blowing in nearby towns


Simply superbly intellectual
I drift in the knowledge
of being a part of a
(Non) spiritual beauty
that is endless and races
with unconditional love.

I am that lonely bird
As there I am free really,
of all people
as I have learned to write
Even with the bard standing
at my side.

Just trust me,
I believe in myself.
The anonymity I don,
is not optional,
It is adorned as a diamond,
a Kohinoor perhaps
like it’s only exceptional.


your warm gaze
and chartreuse set
this light that billows light

A laughter that scatters and pink
sea stars adorn the wave break
this tide that swells
this water hides

For cheery days that were upon the very
we of us
thatched roofs of sediment sunshine
and rust
like teary tangerine tears to kiss
and feel the wind tug amongst our
amulets on leather leads
that tempo swayed
in lovemakers dreams

Approaching Hurricane (auditory)

Iambic hexameter with alternating rhyme.

A wall of sound precedes the vortex barrier.
A windborne howling as of godlings passing by.
Lost voices shriek in whispers bleak and sepulchre.
Strained iron groans and snaps about the place we lie.

At once the soil is atomized and buffets tin.
It seems behind us armed cicadas ply their wars.
So loudly does the sand meet with metallic skin,
that clearly had their scatter guns discharged indoors.

Rain On A Tin Roof...

Hurtling down through the atmosphere
silver drops of H2 O
With a splat, their mass is scattered
Then in streams they join the flow

The water rushes madly
down the slanted tin
Streams that run side-by-side
in a race, not one will win

The drumming, beating raindrops
left the clouds to play
Now there's water dripping in last place
while the storm moves on it's way

Falling down the rainspout
Winding down the curb to drain
The water from the sky
is gone down the sewer-main

lumbering silence in Bodnar's

Thick and grey, lumbering hulks
trumpet the silence....



From the darkness
that hid
her abomination
she slid
sniffed the air
and dropped her veil
seduced by the smell
of male

there they stood
mesmerized by the beauty
of her ugliness
in a trance
of desire and revulsion
as Medusa began
her dance
of seduction

serpent strides
back and forth
left to right
in orgasmic thrusts
of promises
that were to come
to each one
who looked upon
her serpent smile

Song of Anger

I have aged
For so long
In the cage
Of self rage

Life like hell
Anger eats me
Hard to tell
Friend from foe.

In my eyes
Rolling like dice
Any side faced
Life is woe
Head to toe

Anger without choice
Has made me
Mad at everything
Raged at anything
Calmed by nothing

Can’t help it
The growling anger
Worst of all
Angry at myself

I give you a black rose

All I have to say is that I love you
but its all in what I have to do
ever since we said goodbye
all I wanted to do is die
and get out of this big lie

Ever since we split
all I can do is grab a blade and slit
see all of my blood - dark red
and me lying on my bed
can you tell that im not breathing ?

You said I acted childish
you said all I wanted to do is play
but now you see me here as I just lay
just laying her with my vains split
all because without you I feel like some shit

Windy Day at the Lake (imagery workshop)

windy day at Cooper's lake
a wind storm takes shape
dark clouds spin tornadoes
across clear blue water

a picture on my cellphone
running for the basement door
my dress tail caught a draft
I parachuted safe inside


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.