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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



swim in the depth
this shadow

the spin curve
and hip svelte

counting snowflake
drip like stars
make a wish make
a wish
and seal this
with a kiss

we pull petals
from black dreams
"You love me not"
"You love me more"

breathing and tracing
like burning ember
paths grey and rich
white like frozen

the nimble of the


Down here it's seldom snow, but rain
that causes me to chance refrain
from walking down a well worn trail
through beloved wood and boggy swale

And upon reaching a clear cut wood
where two years ago the poplars stood
it's mostly thickets, briers, and brambles
trying to ban my sylvan rambles

While beneath a shady canopy
it's an old stump hole that I don't see
that engulfs my leg up to the calf
and makes me stumble on the path

"Bringing Darkness" (Prayer of a demon)*small edit*

My body devoured,
bloodied and battered,
stomach splayed open,
my blood spattered.

My mind broken,
my tongue split,
infectious to all,
everything sick.

A ravenous apatite,
for our evil ways,
I'm looking forward,
to horrible days.

Murdering angels,
I can do much more,
I will grow darker,
more violent than before.

Grant my wish,
dark lord from below,
let me kill gods,
allow me to grow.

Stormy Existence

Stormy Existence

Like a snail that emerges from her shell
She doesn’t deal victorious with her life
Looking around at the many heartbreaks
She seeks its haven of life sanctuary
From the full sting of this world’s reality

Welcome to the masquerade

You're the lies beneath my wings
the one who doesn't know the truth.
Following footsteps led me to believe
how naive and dazed you seem to be.

You're the "role model"
who only thinks for herself.
Liar with a pretty face, you deceive and get away.
If only they saw what hid behind the facade
all those lies that scream from your face.

With you it's like a masquerade
many masks yet with one face.
You have a lie for every person
a new tale for every breath you take.

Good riddance

Jagged incision
Without precision,
or medical intervention

Bloody red gash
Sliced into wrist,
Oozing the vital fluid.

Losing the will to live,
losing consciousness
Fuck this world.

Good riddance

Mind Meld...

The loss of control, between body and mind
The connections are gone, been left behind
I try to mate them, meld them, inspire
But they won't match up, meet in the fire

Broken pieces won't heal, the glue doesn't stick
I'm missing the mortar, there are unattached bricks
A low moan emerges, then a much higher note
Screams erupt, from deep in my throat

Haikookas (for Japanese Poetry workshop)

lone kookaburra
laughs without hesitation
his own audience


tears streaming cheekwards
don't signify winters loss
just wind and pollen


sticky sleepless nights
rise to blearily embrace
stark overhead sun

mosquito frantic
squealing when caught in my beard
I slap my face hard

autumnal cherries

sweet juices spurt sourly
down my throat welcomingly
seeds spat gratefully

vee stem and two pips
on rumpled sheet abandoned
the feeling lingers



We hide in the shroud of the iridescent sun
That shields the entrance to our hidden cave
The place of our
Secret conclave

We hide in the cloud of the opalescent moon
That protects the portal of our concealed retreat
The site of our
Private meet

For security, we constructed the wall
Unbreakable, impenetrable
Built with strength so it will never fall

For protection, we erected the wall
Impassable, unconquerable
Built with strength so it will never fall


love like omission
slip the border free
and machine gun lust
in the stride
the cobbestone stilleto
in the reflection of the
towers of ray ban surrender

I cant see the sun
in your eyes
just your river cold hands
sliding across my face

you walk down the curve
at dusk
beyond the view
of this span

and jets tear holes
in the sky
where they lift


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.