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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The Cutest Family

Cutest Family

I just saw the cutest family of six all black with a white stripe under their belly. they were crossing the road In front of traffic. To my delight there were five little puppies following mommy. Some were keeping close behind and some were wandering about running to catch up


From a black and unknown space
appeared a demon face
Bleeding silver gray into dark

Once Heavens favored one
Hurled into fire and ice
Far from God’s Kingdom
His Night to discover

Eve’s serpent slides salivating
Seductions of immortality
To Soul's oblivion
Fills the human heart wiith fear
In Death's stillness

Takes Time

you cant deceive me
I believe the
to be
nothing more then the human specie
when were born we cannot perceive with any ease
grow to learn grief, speech, peace, enemies
now im past twenty and ive sworn to decrease the
amount of un-friendly tendencies that help in my defeat
mind bending galleries my eyes see are telling
me different things about the universe
and the galaxies
when they receive light emitting bright from stars at night
such delight
yet a mystery
one we cant perceive, even with technology

Smokeless... [Rewrite for Splash-pool]

I'm aware of all the reasons...
I can't breathe... I don't wonder why
It's not the change of seasons
My lungs are clogged, my nose is dry
After the coughing and hacking, I sit down and cry
That's my morning ritual, that's the way I do
I grab a glass of water, the dog moves to let me by
Hey kid, I'm telling you now, this is gonna be you
This is how you're gonna be, you will have this too
Wait a minute, I'll get coffee, find the matches and light up

Devouring Shadows (a rewrite)

Devouring Shadows

Lights flick off,


Drowning the room

In complete,

Compelling darkness,

Devouring every shadow.

No window present

To mar the blackness

With soft shadow.

It begins...

the pounding heart

eyes wide with fear

they huddle in the gloom

some flat on their bellies

to avoid bullets going astray


Shrill siren screaming

Breaks the night

Into tiny

Fragmented pieces

Thin walls,

Echoing with gunshot,

holy ground

sometimes i walk into silence
with all my clothes on, just so i can
distinguish myself from the mandala
spinning patterns in my mind,
circular motions
circles within circles and golden ratios
globes of colour and clouds of unknown
strobe iridescent as wheels hum in
the distance
seagulls flock with Buddhas on their backs
and the tyranny of beauty is dressed like
a vulture
for fair game,


Even the dead are kept in mind, years after
Anniversary notices flustering to confirm
When your lineage stops in your generation
Our people say, you will be forgotten quickly
Your compound, overgrown with grasses
Termites build on walls, your house, no more

Except by the unforgettable things you did
Like the first man to walk on the moon
You may well be with the unnamed crowd
That lived, ate and slept or just existed
The living forget so soon and in turn
They are forgotten, even before they die

Mesmeric Scapes

perched atop a tree
a falcon spreads its wings
ready to migrate

sunlight bursts through clouds
sipping dew drops on roses
kissing them awake

the shepherd is out
herding his flock of sheep
towards the pastures

a chameleon
camouflages dubiously
to pounce on his prey

like a Sage in trance
a lotus floats serenely
calming the ripples

a lone butterfly
flutters its colorful wings
in search of its mate

a gentle breeze plays
a melodious rhyme
on my window chimes


burned burden wheel
this toil under the blister sun
exposure always meted permanance
this shower shedding periphery ray

remember the golden moments
whose smiles worth bought freedom
from the wrath of wraiths
cyclonic tunnel syndrome
hurling hurts like sycthes runs

and when winter comes
and dreams awake from their
cool keep
I shall be patient
tolerant for their plaintive
enquiries into my denizen

salt doll, stone angel and love

undaunted by swift arrows
a gazelle leaps
back into my heart
and the blue heron lifts me
with wings of ecstasy,
a god has awakened

now, where was I, oh,
I am writing a poem
about three lonely serpents
in the garden of good and evil,
everything is glowing
in eleven hundred shades of green,
it is raining softly or maybe my tears
are falling and the sea
ruins me


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.