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burned burden wheel
this toil under the blister sun
exposure always meted permanance
this shower shedding periphery ray

remember the golden moments
whose smiles worth bought freedom
from the wrath of wraiths
cyclonic tunnel syndrome
hurling hurts like sycthes runs

and when winter comes
and dreams awake from their
cool keep
I shall be patient
tolerant for their plaintive
enquiries into my denizen

There is a faded photograph
pressed between passages
of favourite paragraphs
you fit there like the slim
light of dusk
the earth leaning
the stars meaning
set in patterned charm

Editing stage: 


your poetry has gained a new dimension, Steven. a little awkward in places, but that's your charm, eh?


That last stanza is a poem on it's own and it's purity is divine :)

"The perfect woman perpetrates literature as she does a small sin: as an experiment, in passing, to see if anybody notices it - and to makes sure that somebody does." - Nietzsche

so many mood shifts this active mind
fervant with race run ideals
so cheered that this went so well with
readers of poetic merit

thank you this had made my day!

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