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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


London's Burning

London’s Burning

In Cahoots

Their bikes stormed past
the church lane, down
to the end of the road
where the gravel thins off
into nothingness
but dandelions, clover,
and Queen Anne's Lace.

The five boys wrestled their bikes
into a tight huddle, faces flushed from
riding so darn fast, and so darn hard,
hearts pounding inside their youthful chests -
still innocent,
still fragile.

Mother Nature

In the green flourishing garden
a splendor of view comes in
with a radiant display
showcase a place where it builds
with a seed of love
spread with a full
spectacular of look
from its unconditional nurturing

Echo of whisper tune
carrying in a soft silent breeze
beauty unfolds in the
exquisite blooming
flowers are dancing
birds are chirping
a symphony of songs playing
accompany by humming bees chasing
greetings from the young lively spring
with the vivid imagery of vibrant colors

Don't Look a Gift Horse in The Mouth

Although the night was cold
And the rain poured down
The crafty old fox, still felt bold.
He put up with the weather
Because he thought he was clever.
So, he conjured up a plan –
Living nearby was a horse called Gift.
The fox kept his eye, on the horse for a while
Whilst licking his lips – he was hungry, they were dry.
The horse was as fit as a fiddle
Because of the grass he ate - healthy greens.
The fox with white socks and red fur
Could also eat grass but meat he preferred

Above All Else

Above All Else
Written by Kelly Ann Wilson

How I wish I’d never been taught
That being a selfless carer
Is what made you holy
All it did was make me
The perfect candidate
To love violent men and addicts

We must never again tell a woman
That they can’t keep anything for themselves
Knowing full well
They will give everything they have
Until there is nothing left


Last year I visited a hallowed place
I had been there twice before,
This place that reflects and honors;
A memorial no one should ignore.

Our nation's mall is the location
In the shadows of heroes past,
Tons of granite whisper quietly,
Our heroes names forever last.

Fifty eight thousand names are there
Etched for all the world to touch and see,
The names and dates of when they fell,
An epitaph of love, for all eternity.

Whereby yours truly presages and doth abhor
nothing short of an imminent civil war
dwarfing insurrection on January 6, 2021
oddly enough even reducing
ordinary decibels to a mute whisper
madding crowd trumpeting cacophony of ˈthȯr
drowning out sense and sensibility
allowing, enabling, and providing
golden opportunity for anarchy to run rampant
one issuing, earthshaking, and booming
as one collective soul with pride

I Wish

I can’t stop my emotions
They eat at my heart
Can’t slow down the thoughts
Gonna rip me apart

Maybe I’m crazy
Damage already done
I feel all fucked up
Maybe ‘mother’ has won

Can’t seem to settle
My thoughts won’t slow down
Frustrations taking over
My face it does frown

Hate feeling this way
I hate being me
I can’t fucking handle it
Can’t anyone see

Wish I could end it
Wish I had the guts
But I only take pills
So maybe I’m nuts

where Lassie free to run across petco junction

All across the webbed
wide esse Scott's landed wold
emerald green Trifolium
carpets harbor untold
burrows of tiny Leprechauns clover
(leaf) ways grant trifold
wishes if captured might
divulge pot of gold
at rainbow's end, and e'en mend
yar shoes, whence re: souled,

My Favorite Pet

A joy that fills a heart
bringing a dancing song
of “meow,” “meow”
to a playful mindset
of trigger curiosity
to adorable favorite pet
with a white fuzzy soft touch
and big blue eyes
that goes by a Kitty girl's name
she greets me with a
gracious of warmth smile
in her march parade float
waving her tail high in the air
rolling her tiny belly over
display in slow motion pace
to go for a play in a gleeful mood
she snuggles in with me
to cuddle her like a baby


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.