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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



The sun is setting behind the trees
there's just the slightest hint of breeze.
The heat of day is finally passed.
This moment won't for too long last.

Neighbor's grill is starting up;
they'r having company to sup.
Wont be long before the flavor
of grilled burgers they'll get to savor.

A pair of doves I often see
just lit for the night on a pine tree.
Don't have to wait for long
before the start cooing their song.

Lover's Curse

Had a date with an angel
Sweet as can be,
Hot as hellfire
Made a fool out of me.
I'm so tired of love
Don't know why I care
Each beauty brings pain
That no man should bear.

Had a date with an angel,
Wicked as sin
Knows how to tease
How to draw a man in
How to use her soft body
Use all of her wiles;
Can chain a mans heart
With cunning and guile.

Living With Depression

Dark clouds looming,
a thief of joy lies in wait.
The sun barely shines,
burning eyes with self-hate.

Happiness to hopeless,
wealthy to worthless.
Open wounds, self-inflicted,
existential dread, an unholy mess.

What once brought pleasure,
now writhes in pain.
Life's mysteries gone too far,
a prisoner wrapped in its chains.

Too Little, So Much

I have spent it all, every bit
Of energy, of emotion.
I’ve used up every shred of it
On wasted acts, empty motion.
I am overdrawn in my heart,
Just like my empty bank account.
No money left, no drive to start
Anew to build something to count.
No more hunger to feel a touch
From someone who might love or care.
The void inside once held so much.
Now only painful loss waits there.
Life's overdrafts have left nothing.
So much taken, too little left
To keep my broken heart going.

A Psalm!

Where is He to be found?
In the garden of the Lord, the sacred grove?
He anointed mine eyes with oil
I saw and heard great and mysterious things
He led me to the greenest pastures
I fainted by the wayside
and though mine eyes had seen great things
I felt less than a grain of sand
his staff and his robe they comfort me
He has defended me when I was threatened
in the wilderness, when I cried out
oh Lord I am not what a man should be
you shake your fist at my darkness

Rise Sun

Your magnificent light
bullies its way through,
to the earth turned face

Of heavy dark clouds.
Your brightness pushes past
their ponderous will.

(what dark vault of sky!)

But continue golden sun, rise,
playing below the horizon
you face is hidden from me.

But rise, rise golden sun;
I would see your face,
I would know your warmth.

I would see autumnal orange
In your golden light:
such richness of color to see.

Not you

I wish you knew
That you madem e
Shed crystal droplets
From my russet
Silent mirors
Mademy words
Bleed everlastingly
And extinguished
My etemal flame
Just within
A moment's grace
Amidst I never envisioned
That you would do
Such astonishing thing
So I still can't believe
That you really did do that
It's not your reflection
It's not you soul


What would I have
without poetry?

A small mind,
a dismissed whim,
an unspoken belief,

a reflection in the mirror
of someone I do not know.

A Near Disaster

Where’s my charger?
Where’s the outlet?
Where’s my phone?
I found the charger!
I found my phone!
I plug it in.
1 hour 52 minutes…

Red, is it just a color ?

Blood red line in the shape of a curve, in the middle of the canvas.

Of 6" by "6 inches.

Under the red curve, in the middle, the eyes.

Black pupils, with whites around. Of old wrinkled. Black man.
The image sounds.

Lower C4 and then C5, C6, D5 and D7 and D4. It plays with a form.

!!!!!!!!!! The Laugh. !!!!!!!!!!!!

All I can hear now is his laugh. Terrible, C4, C5, and C6. Later my Cry.
D5, D7 and      D4.


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