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Lover's Curse

Had a date with an angel
Sweet as can be,
Hot as hellfire
Made a fool out of me.
I'm so tired of love
Don't know why I care
Each beauty brings pain
That no man should bear.

Had a date with an angel,
Wicked as sin
Knows how to tease
How to draw a man in
How to use her soft body
Use all of her wiles;
Can chain a mans heart
With cunning and guile.

Will this curse never end?
Shall I never be free
From the hell that this devil
Has hold over me?
I'm so sick of love and the cost of my lust
But without it I'm ashes
That weave in the dust.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Hello, Alex!
This is a beauty! It flows so well, and the rhyme is natural and unforced.
Thank you!
(And I hope that curse is broken soon.)

Thanks L. It's really how I like poetry to be, I find a consistent rhythm draws the reader in. Again, thanks for your comments. Alex.

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