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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



To reach another's heart with words
is the mainstay of poetry
What greater joy to know,
than that you have touched another soul?

The miles and length of time
are nothing to ideas
written for reading by another's heart
Be it hundreds of years or thousands of miles

Banned by tyrants, spurned by the ignorant
These messages, words strung together
are deserving of recognition
and equally so, to be enjoyed forever

A pristine day, a miraculous boon ( Euphonous English WS)

A pristine day, busy and bright,
my spirit sinks in deep delight.
A spark of hope, a gift to muse,
A blessing that I loathe to lose,
The shaking golden rays of dawn shall shortly stay,
to announce the heavenly bless; a pristine day.

A miraculous boon; won't last,
Alas, this too shall die too fast.
Though I wish that good days to slow,
and more to flourish, more to grow
Fortunately the gloomy night shall shortly swoon
For new dawn announces a miraculous boon.

It's A Miracle...

I thought the word was marvelous
and so, I wrote it down
Then I looked to see
and the word was really miraculous
Now, what do I do?
I just change the word I thought was marvelous
to make it miraculous
and send it right off to you.

Now, before I send it this time
I will check to make quite sure
that it really is miraculous
and not marvelous
so, I can change it before I do

My Friend (My Love)

I love you, much like a semicolon-
with an intentional point (and a bashful smile)

The one I can not use
The moon I see
(a rising pale-flagged truce)


Use the semicolon,
To show us we (once alone)
Are now held tightly sewn,

As our memories are fond-
And forego the breaking
Depth of the black and blue,
and a new swell taking

My pause of intention
for the moment in question
the moon smiles to mention,


It is a simple morning
a far-off wind chime meditates as
a Kingfisher chuffs, untroubled
it dives along the lake surface

I have deeper thoughts
simplicity aside, I am complex
wondering how a bird, so flamboyant
honors a solitary life, a bohemian

I sit in my lone chair
as the bird circles above the water
the wedding of two shades
of iridescent blue, an awaiting bliss

soon the lake will freeze
the Kingfisher will take to flight
and I will spot the Mallards
huddled together beneath the

Shadow on the face

My dear friend, forever true,
what the hell happened to you?
You were always happy, bright,
even in the darkest night.

None could push you off your way,
with you I cherished every day,
we could always laugh and joke
every single time we spoke.

But something has gone astray,
now your eyes seem blue and gray.
I see a shadow on your face,
the light is gone without a trace.

First Love

Shy eyes soft and pleading,
Unaware you are,
Of my love for you,
Grace me with your sweet voice,
To calm my trembling heart,
Grace me with your touch,
To ease my aching torment,
My days are shadowed with nightly thoughts,
And dreams crumble at your feet,
As do I,
In my silence,
I pledge my love for you,
In my stillness,
I vow to render myself your heart's worship,
Your desires are the rains,
And I thirst in maddening plight,
So pour upon me,
Embrace me,
Drop by drop,


Too beautiful a smile
never to be forgotten
in the wilderness

she met him
thought of him perhaps
as a mirage
was he real
he smiled

silence prevailed
all were lost in the oasis
where was it but in imagery

the poet had nothing else to say
so he smiled right away
he had none to return his smile
yet the sun as usual did shine

Wolf in the Sky

Four in the morning I step out the door
The sky transparent and free of clouds
Stars up in their forever homes twinkling
Slightly diminished by light of full moon

Full as she is, she’ll make no escape
Along comes the dark wolf, his jaws are agape
I sit and I watch him devour her glow
Crescent now waning, as his umbra grows

Smaller and smaller, until she’s so thin
Her last light resembles a secretive grin
Good for the wolf, sated at last
Meals don’t come often and make escape fast

Miraculous Marvels

Miraculous marvels,
A state of mind,
A state of being,
A state of thought.

Miraculous marvel made by one,
Through actions of good conscience,
Meeting up with luck,
Creating a powerful combination.

Fate has also dealt its hand,
As miraculous marvels are only so often,
That they make one appreciate such things,
As they are not ordinary nor commonplace.


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