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The stream (all workshops)

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Enticing Autumn

These first fingers of frost
Encroaching swift and ever regular
Enticing Autumn to relinquish her embrace
Harken the rise of Winter’s heart
To whom they owe their reverence
Illuminated by dawns early rays
A legion of crystalline adherents
Stand perched upon the brink of rapture


My first friend
Neverending hugs
A red rocking chair
Inside a little house

Precious memories
Ephemeral at best
What I wouldn't give
For one last chance....

Time Is Wasting...

The morning comes slowly
and the sky turns blushing pink
as night surrenders its caress
with shadow fingers tracing a reluctant retreat

"Until tonight my love, until tonight"

Morning sun, warms my face
Hold me close, I whisper
Don't let go just yet
I am cold of the night

"Hide with me a while under the covers"

The rhythm of the morning song
takes a while to claim its' voice
But soon, wearied of lying still
Sunny, sits on the edge swinging legs

Can I have my life back

Why am I still here?
Why do you insist on keeping down me here,
Just to make my life more miserable.
Why do you make me hang on?
Hold on for dear life when I’ve been slowly loosing it.
Why do you take away all my fun, everything I do in life to enjoy,
I wanted to live, but everything that’s worth living for, you took from me.
Being happy everyday, trying to be faithful,
I’m crumbling inside, lying to everyone.
I plead with you, and you don’t answer.
I beg for my life back, but I don’t receive.

Ephemeral Love

Ephemeral love,
A bittersweet kind,
Love of the body,
As well as the mind,

Like the rise of the sun,
It’s glow lasts a short while,
When said and done,
It leaves only memories that linger,

Of a connection so strong and deep,
A river whose current pulls lost souls in,
Making them whole after a leap,
Coming out reborn into a world anew,

Dream - Something you long for

Time is a great thief
Watch as it creeps into veins
Floods the bloodstream
Sucks a soul to a corpse

It has two steel legs
Hacking away at flesh
It is too cold, too unfeeling
To know its cruelty
It does not breathe
As you and I do
So it shreds unwittingly

It is a wheel
Turning and churning
It stops for no mortal

So when I sleep deathless dreams
I get on my skinned knees
And wish wish wish a dream
Of never-ending life
And oh what a dream it is.

Slow Descent Of The Spider

On a crooked night, the light fell down

There was an evil invader in the town

Darkness encompassed my world alone

No knocks on my door, no telephone

Outside weird noises prevailed around

Everyone inside only made muted sounds

Then came the sound of a high nightrider

Then began the slow descent of the spider

Webs flowed, catching everyone unaware

The spider gave all around a frightful scare

As it emptied the blood of victims one by one

Venom paralyzed each in its traps it had spun

Sex what’s love got to do with it

When my girl wants it bad
I think to myself sex
How long can I last?
Only to satisfy her is all that I ask
I am older now and my youth has passed
So what love got to do with it
Is the little blue pill to complete the task
My opinion is
Giving her all I can
Until she done
Only to satisfy her
Is my only plan

David and Goliath

David and Goliath
Why did you not come along? Were we not brothers in arms? Did you not see the signs?
Did we not know how to stay- safe in our pristine place?
Will the air breathe back its rich design of harmonious Holocene pastures - Innocent coughing of wilderness change?
This is gorilla time- or no time at all-
With hands gently folded on old leather face-
Great black beast- curious and fierce,
You have swung free from our brutal brain’s dilemma Come play with me-
Please romp and stomp on the still wild place

Just A Dream [When I wake up in the morning]

When I wake up in the morning,
I am happy to see their faces
After years,
And years,
And years…

Finally fulfilling our dreams.

We loved our new lives,
Away from everyone
So we can do whatever we want
Without anyone telling us what to do

Finally, we were somewhere where we were able
To be ourselves.

But then, I woke up,
With the bright light beaming on my face,
Slightly hurting my eyes

And as I slowly started to process my dream,
Tears started to form, as I stare up high


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.