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Ephemeral Love

Ephemeral love,
A bittersweet kind,
Love of the body,
As well as the mind,

Like the rise of the sun,
It’s glow lasts a short while,
When said and done,
It leaves only memories that linger,

Of a connection so strong and deep,
A river whose current pulls lost souls in,
Making them whole after a leap,
Coming out reborn into a world anew,

Appearing broken from what they have been through,
Inside, past grief that is simply not true,
A new perspective gained, a new time begun,
About life and truly living one.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Thanks Mark!

author comment

I think we have all experienced those short love relationships. I often think those leave the biggest impression and a curiosity of what could've been. Well done and great use of the word ephemeral and incorporating its definition into your work.


Thanks Rose!

author comment

The love that is ephemeral is not the love that is eternal. These are totally different animals altogether.

The ephemeral love is one that you see all around in our films/books (well, most of them actually). It is the kind that blossoms in your heart when hormones are having a ball in your brain. It is the kind that most marketing companies leverage to find their way into your wallet, while claiming to help you find a way into someone’s heart. No, it is not just the immature, raw feeling which we have so banally commercialised that it seems mechanical. It is also the fresh breeze which allows us to feel so attached to a person that for a moment, all that matters in the universe is that “the one”. It is also the same feeling which makes us look at someone and say “Damn!

"By virtue of creativity, my literary genre is poetry".


I completely agree.. that was exactly where I was going with this. I am glad it came across.

author comment

Canadian poetreee
and also musician you be
keep at it ....
will give you their own version
then again do read me ......

Be yourself only
All we poets are like angels
wee wee wee

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