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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



My high school friend,
the only one I’m still in touch with,
has been drifting from town to town
in states with very few people,
but overfilled with stark beauty

He’s been doing this for many years
in his shelter with wheels
He was just outside of Belle Fourche,
or maybe it was Medicine Bow,
when I last heard from him

I’ve never asked him
what he could possibly be looking for
out there on the backroads of the West

The Century 1700 TO 1799

I am the University of Yale
Opens its door.
I am the beginning of the
Revolutionary War.

I am one of the 13
I am the Sons of Liberty

I am the Pilgram's at Plymouth
I am the Boston Tea Party thrown
Off the dock.

I am the day the Navy was
I am Paul Revere the midnight
Ride awaited.

I am Ben Franklin and
Nathan Hale.
I am the Declaration of
Independence in detail.

The Chase

thumping of feet on the ground
like the heartbeat of the man
running running running
through the leaves and branches
whipping and whacking him,
sometimes on the nose
other times on the elbows
tripping tripping tripping
over roots and moving things
on the ground. it was alive it was
a muddy monster grasping at
his big toe
scuttling scuttling scuttling
on his crab legs with his heavy head
weighing a ton on his shoulders,
his left arm jutting out and trailing behind
like an elastic band.


If I could just caress the face
That has for centuries endured,
Lured men stronger e’re than I
With eyes so dark my soul they score.

Oh! let me kiss those sable eyes,
Dark and wild as storm at night,
Look deep into those gates of love
Lose fast my soul, my heart, my life.

Oh! If I could but touch those lips
That pout and tease and draw men in,
Soft, brush them with my own hot breath
And feel the magic of my sin.

My Bows

It's coz of poets like you
who have sharpened my poetry
from an autumn leaf
you turned me into a poetic soil
no not to forget you all
how you toiled
to pick up a soft blade of grass
to compose a line
like a robot
what an imaginary poetry pen

Late Night... by: eddy styx

Down the time tunnels
I often walk feeling the chains.
In the dead of a winter's night
when the cold wind moans my name.

Like a knife's frigid touch
trying to tear me apart
through layers of clothing
it seeks out my beating heart...

In this wicked reality
I walk the dank streets alone
crunching leaves beneath my feet
reminding me of drying bone.

I fear I go to meet my death
no guns or blades allowed,
just bare fists, muscle and sinew
only we two, no clamoring crowd.


Could I refuse you
anything at all?
Are there sacrifices
too great to make,
promises too impossible
to keep while holding on to
the very part of you
that is home for me?
I cannot refuse to try,
will not watch your lovely face
fade from the picture I hold
so dear in my mind, its fragile corners
bent and tattered, worn from
believing that you and I are
more than a photograph
resting between pages in an empty book.
This is the nature of love:
stepping into the dark,

What is Life

What is Life

Calligraphy pen

the nub, so sharp and lovely
full of life and prowess
as I stab it into my ink well
wonderful, red and dark as it seeps into the paper
as I write these words to you,
a love letter of my deepest affection
And sometimes it hurts so badly to love you
I'm not sure why
I cry out for you, even when I know you're not there
I don't care
I will write in elegant strokes until the day I die for you
flowing movements of my archaic pen
ignore the wound on my hand
and begin


the rebellion of mankind
a sting to civilization
what a tyrannical world

©® Onyinyechi Cosmos Etu


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