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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Silent Love

At times remaining silent
all about a million miles

he also must be missing
smile at him
he'd be also needing

love does not come easily
oh dear lovely beauty


I am going to take a crowbar hit my head

Keep hitting it until I feel like I am dead

Going to hit my knees until they are gone

Hurt less than staying in the dark alone

I will take a drill and drill in my head deep

Until all of my brains out of my skull seep

Take my fingers and pluck out my eyes

So I no longer can gaze upon all your lies

Going to take a chainsaw cut off my arms

So I can no longer hold close what harms

Instead of being forever re-membered

I will be forgotten and dismembered


Beneath or above your liver
A thousand brown butterflies wither.
Your anger is released from its prison
And your fake smile sues you for treason.
They utter your name and call you for dinner;
As a family nuisance you are pronounced winner.
Although their eyes may not pierce your internal glimmer,
The butterflies call you for dinner.


Some of us have it
cause we are
born with it
but some of us
don't but
wish we did.

I'ts a curse for most
and also a
power for all.

Wisdom is what
we all want and need.
We crave it like a fat
kid craves cake
or a nympho
craves sex.

Wisdom is a part
of us if we know it
or not.

Giants Fall

Everybody around is telling you
To let go of what you're holding to
It's too late, you've gone too far
You'll never pull the winning card

Throwing water on that spark
Living deep inside your heart
With oceans of reasons
The things you're not seeing

Take that water they throw in your face
Turn it into gasoline to fuel you on your chase
Take their oceans full of impossibilities
Transform them into a world of opportunities

Brightfelt Passion

We are gathered here together beneath the stars
which gaze in wonder at us from afar.

We who have chosen to descend in our flight
and inflame the world with a more noble light.

To perhaps change the hearts and minds of those we touch
with gently offered words that can mean so much.

To rekindle with our breath the dying embers of hope.
Giving people new strength, and helping them to cope.

With the problems that life carelessly tosses their way.
Giving them one more reason, to go on living for another day.

Gallery of the Heart

Our palette of love
Multitudinous colors
Blended together
Like our writhing bodies
A masterpiece in the making
This canvas of skin
Wet with perspiration
In the gallery of our hearts

a poet

A poet is a shooting star that burns with briefest light.
He glows with glory from afar, then disappears from sight.
A poet flickers in the gloom, a solitary flame.
A ghost, who haunts a garret's gloom, without a famous name.

A poet's words aren't wonderful, though from a merry heart
a feast of fun and fellowship a poet may impart!
A poet is the scourge of God upon the tyrants bold.
With words he'll smash their iron rod, as prophets did of old.

Symphony in the Stars

Echoes rebounding
on walls of night mist
floating on sound
not to be missed

A concerto infused
glistened in stars
notes hanging gently
cradled in bars

Mythical muse
transcribing the sheet
floats into them
softly they meet

A Soprano pure heart
keening a sorrow
wrung from the strings
no wish for tomorrow

Merging their souls
vibrating as one
this rhythm has beat
no need for the drum

In my element

I make my rules,
And live by them,
Its what I choose,
Without regret.

My own peace first,
Before anything else,
I Won't compile stress,
On my free life desk.

I am calm and crazy,
Both at a time,
I won't give you nice,
When you give me limes.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.