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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Stroking the borders of society
Remembering how he told me nowadays beauty is deformed
Surely then
It cannot exist in this world?

Looked in my vague direction
Pronounced that no one would like me enough
To overlook
The fact my legs don't feel like ebony

Preached hygiene in my face
When I am perfectly sanitary, I chose
To stand
When he told me to sit down

Observing the watch on my left hand
I counted the years it will take to pay off his debt
His lie
That I will not be seen as beautiful

Those Days of Winged Wonder

The rose and the lily, the blue bell and daisy.
The days bathed in sunlight all hallowed and hazy.
I loved them that summer when girl she came calling,
laid by me in long grass, in love with me falling.

The damp, diamond dew drops: her tears that I’ll treasure.
Her light-hearted laughter, her smile of pure pleasure.
The bright balm-filled breezes, the nectar from kisses:
My mouth, on this morning, so madly it misses!


The vestiges of your exploitation
have left all of us fragmented
now the center cannot hold

©® Onyinyechi Cosmos Etu

Ring on My Hand

Three-fifteen A.M. on the clock
Rain tickles down the windowpane
I should be sound asleep right now
But I guess you could say I'm going insane

It isn't because you're my true love
A realization just hit me in the face
Baby, I've never been truly in love with you
I suppose it just felt like that was the case

You were the only guy in my lonely life
For over six and a half endless years
I remember all the times we fought and yelled
Or all the times your smile held back tears

Time to die

the clouds form and disappear
the sun rises but definitely sets
as the night darkens the moon glitters
yet the dawn awakens with it's light
and rainbow never stop the rainy season
for nature has it's own laws

the rain wets the land
and dryness harshen it by season
lives and greenery fill the earth
as trees and flowers and grasses
bud but loses their prime at autumn
all has time and period that's aside

The Love

There are things that
heart and emotions
can not explain.

Feelings of
hurt, love and pain
are one and the same.

But the love for
someone will only
grow, fade or
stay the same.

Season Of The Wolf (updated)

She-wolf calls her mate,
alert to the sounds of him
isolated on the hill.

The age of the wolf
arrives they shall mate then sleep
content in their den.

Rising with the sun,
together they hunt for game
serving up hare death.

Night Sky Beckons Me

Night sky beckons me on this winter night.
Clear of snow clouds, regal stars crisp and clear
Light this path where I stroll carefree and light
Near silent creatures burrowed deep and near.

Cold winds color my ardent face, so cold.
Still, I am warm, as if the air is still.
Bold moonlight reveals souls, hidden and bold.
Will I chance upon spirits of good will?


It felt like you were
like when i paused a minute
between awareness and eyes open
i was sure you could have been
i want to wake up before you
and let the dog out
and return with coffee
and carrot cake
i want to see the look in your eyes
when you wake up
i want to take a blade
to the last tenuous sinew
that has me gleefully teetering
over a life spent falling into you
tear me to ribbons and wrap me up
like a gift that's yours to open
over coffee and
carrot cake and

A muniment of grief

My lips touched the chalice of grief,
wavelets, then oceans swallowed me
drowning in sorrow, bloated with tears,
I float in the memories of your loss

My hands held you at the last
my left on your chest trembled
the right on your brow stilled,
a breath was a mercy of silence

As my hand slipped off yesterday
grasping at nought but air,
confused and bewildered
I reach into the void of tomorrow


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