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Canine Frequencies

We suddenly notice our dog, Tuffy,
missing from his favorite spot on the sofa
as we get up to investigate

There he sits, silently and patiently,
by our back door, expectantly
waiting for us to finally notice
he needs to go out

Perhaps he wonders why
it’s taken us so long
to receive his urgent thoughts
beamed to us from canine frequencies

Our other dog, Dante,
always scratches and makes a racket
at the door for some relief
to go out and about his business

Flora of me

Liana, our laughs were my cure
Half a life, I spent feeling unsure
Your allure, imbued me with incomparable conviction
An infliction that will guide me to a life well spent

Our road is long, so far from an end on this night
Yet, there is a light, not even Aphrodite could ignite
Half a life, isn't even half the price I would pay
For who are we, to complain in paradise on our day


Yours will be the last song I sing
before I forget all the words
I've ever loved A puzzled
smile of gratitude A sigh
in sight of everyone
You are the breeze
I can breathe Just as
it’s always been A fall
slowed and softened
A whimsical waltz in
my final room
Look with me
through branches
at the only sun we’ll ever see
A lonely star that lives to
spare me our final goodbye
Be the sunset I need
Worship with me in the mercy
of loving you for
the words you chose



Next time we meet

I'm wondering when
next time we meet,
what form we'll take
in the next heartbeat

Will we be the rays
that blaze from the sun,
or could we be sprays
from when time began

Maybe as nightingales
we’ll sing to the moon,
or maybe as wolves
we’ll sing our own tune

Would that we shifted
dimensions and time,
maybe our hearts will
beat the same rhyme

Maybe as echos
through deserts vast,
or maybe a comet
that moseys on past


Through aeons her beauty has haunted men.
Haunted, seduced and destroyed them.
Reduced them to vessels, empty and dead
Like shells of passed creatures that float in cold seas.

From Lais of Corinth let the centuries roll
Her name does not really matter
She has gone by so many,
Had so many lovers
All gone now but she is forever.

Men rich and Men strong.
Men powerful, Men weak
Numbered like stars in the heaven.
Her names have been ageless but she stays the same
And feeds on their feeble transgressions.

Peace Come Over

There is really no peace
while living
we live piece by piece
till we are on our way to heaven

that alone is heavenly grace
on mommy Earth
to live silently a life of beauty
one must as ought to continue to play
in a heavenly way
so try not to dismay

Tobacco There

In a lounge-room bare to floorboard,
Not a sofa, desk nor door,
Squats old Mick the full-time loafer,
Rolling fags above the floor.

There's a pile of sad tobacco,
(as he shakes a bit, old Mick),
And he speaks in short staccato voice,
of the thin life and the thick.

He has seen a life-tide pass him,
He has been to towns gone bust,
Now he lives to roll tobacco,
(and to spill some in the dust).


Are you a mirage,
Or a dream,
Are you the cooling shadow of the moon,
Or the fiery kiss of the sun,

Your piercing kohl painted eyes,
Makes slaves of kings,
And crumbles empires,
With one glance,

Your throne,
Is made of the broken hearts,
Of your begging lovers,
That lay at your feet,

While your sensuous smile,
Grinds to dust,
The envious,
For even they are helpless at seeing you,

He is in love with you,
She is in love with you,
And I am the oasis that you secretly desire.

We Were Strangers...Feb. 2023 Challenges

Drenched in sweat and rain
ragged uniforms
Rotted boots, and feet in pain
wishing you were never born

In the middle of the night
on a battlefield
we met, were meant to fight
but found it easier to yield

Through the night we huddled
you showed me pictures, I showed mine
"You're like me", I was puzzled
"Before this, our lives were fine"

I hear voices in the dawn
"Better run now while you can"
I pushed the man across the lawn
watched him as he ran


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.