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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Between a Rock and a Soft Place

A boulder tumbles, from a cliff to the sea
A rock, a soft place, and the air in between.
On one side there’s trauma, on the other there’s hope
I have parents who care, but I struggle to cope.
The rock gathers moss, as it rolls then it falls
It was forcibly moved, then it fell and lost all.
But what the rock lost, as it plunged to the sea
Was the moss that it gathered, and so it was cleaned.
I drift through life, move from here to there
With no control of my course, like the flow of the air.


Polarity's sin paid for parity's cost
The kingdom of god has forgotten its cross
The language of falling is decidedly fast
When you wallow in love you believe it will last
When you give up the grift and let someone in
You balance their love with the weight of their sin
To consider a victor you contemplate the cost
There cannot be a victory where there was no chance of loss
Parity gained through polarity's death
Is a heart cured of beating by caving the chest

Roses Many Thorns

I now recall
years ago may be aeons
I composed a poem from a man to his wife
O Thorn
It will take me some time to recompose it
as decades have lapsed...

roses placed in library books still living as petals
thorns stand buried in living memory of roses

how can one enjoy a cup of tea
without sugar or excess

life as you have said
is not a dress rehearsal

my vision speaks a bit louder
no clothes are needed
roses are soft
thorns perpetually prick hardest
rest all you know it


If my tears were goodbye letters
Dad, I'm sending ten thousand more
If my heartache were an operetta
Dad, I've written a million scores

If waves of grief crash and dump me
Dad, I'll paddle Tsunami's to shore
If I could turn back time and space
Dad, I'd fly you right to my door

If the stars were openings to heaven
Dad, I'd blast with SpaceX and I'd soar
If my singing could reach your ears
Dad, it's vibrato would be heard in Timor


Sour taste of defeat
An inescapable truth
Is born from wisdom

lovesick lines

I ponder, as rain on my window pane
slides down like the tears
we shed for the years
we let slip away
when we could not stay,

I think and I feel, like when we would kneel
at the altar rail
till our faith grew stale
and our love took flight
in December’s blight,
bad weather.

I muse in my mind, on the gods unkind
who tore us in two
(slew love that was true)
when we, by the stream,
lay down there to dream,
on heather.

Beat The Clock

I am getting tired trying to beat the clock

I know soon that it is going to stop

As I get older, it feels like it is going fast

I know that my time it will not last

I look back, and I do not like what I see

All of the things that have made up me

The tragedies, flaws, and falls in my past

Scars are here now and will always last

The trinities of past, future, and now

They concave my reflections somehow

Time is a murderer; it is killing me

It is turning my mind agnostically

Don't Wait Up

Don't wait up for tea she said, in the message she left me
I'll be working half the night away, till then I won't be free
So go ahead and eat your meal, don't worry about a thing
If I find I'm working later then, l guess I'll have to ring.

Don't wait up for me she said, you know l'm working late
The office now is understaffed, and clientele won't wait.
There's emergency in the ward again, and desperate are the beds
There's no-one left we can call in, when all is done and said

New Beginning

Ashen clouds spread
Like doom's quilt against a sullen sky
Give way to cumulo cotton balls
radiant, in utopian sunshine

Fairies flit from tree to tree
Drinking Earth's gifts from the vine
Mindful meditation beneath bright rays
gauzy fog has lifted, blessed be!

Nothing But Alien

I'm nothing but alien
coming down to earth
was nothing like you ever since

I'm stronger than you in every way
so pray to your Lord that I'm not
here to stay.

Yes I know I look just like you
but there are some things that
are more than new.

There is peace in my planet above.
Peace that you can never imagine,
peace that you can only dream of.

My alien nature is fine as can be
but when you frighten me then you
will see.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.