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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Thy Rose

Thy rose
Now transformed to egoism
Self absorbed mannerisms
Shape thy rose

They see this rose
And smell thy narcissism
Stench filling the room

Thy rose
Thinks of gold and valuables
Instead of work
Thy rose wilted
Due to thy rose’s pride


Clouds move by too fast
Exposing light and brightness
Creating warmth below

Ghost Of Michelangelo

She looked upon her shaking palm
There were three more tubes of oil
The old toolbox had fallen down
Had been on a shaky table

And she prayed that one more time
With some help she would get it done
Then an angel took her fingers
Helped her choose the deep blue one

It was Michael of the Angels
He could see where she came from
It was Michael of the Angels
That would stop her on the run

Imperial Road

Tall trees bare and leafless
Standing bald and shaved
None are alike but look equal
Their bony hands bursting through the pavement
Inverted roots thrusting skywards
Branches like gnarled fingers
Claw hands open to the air in protest.
Organic sculptures lining up like guardians
Along Imperial Road
At dusk they glow like white ghosts
Standing next to lamp posts

Seen through the window of a nursing home
On a Tuesday evening in February
Where I have a week to live
In terminal care


shiver and show me
how cold I can be
between these shoulders I keep
all this pain that I see
belongs to ghosts
who may look like me
the wreckage they wrought
you harbor for free
i am not ghosts
they are not me
i am at best
a glorious test
growing unrest
the fire in your breast
parity's victory
may feel sublime
but scales left tipped
topple in time
i am the finger in your fruit
the mole in your mind
i am the death of a myth
your devil quite kind


Failure builds strength in me
with a lesson of perseverance
to remain strong in every situation
that comes into life with obstacles
despite the struggle, I endured
But I never surrender
and feel undaunted by defeat
I am tougher to know
to carry myself back up
with persistent

The Difference Between Knowledge and Wonder

I have been on the earth for multiple decades
I continue to learn that I know less every year
The things I used to be SURE of
I am now not so sure
I am comforted by faith and little signs I get from my loved ones that have passed on
Even though I know less every year, my wonder at the world grows every year
It’s a trade off between knowledge and wonder
I think it’s called wisdom

My Poetry Now Tires Me

I'm tired composing poems
which I read mostly
have been baked in the sun oven
they call

even the sun yesterday flew in rage
over heated
wanted to perhaps help
reduce Global warming

Yet some places are being excused spring
at other places snow is melting
faster cooling the Northern hemisphere
snows being extended

Now I wish to rest and sleep
I have no responsibility
towards any

heaven bless those
who don't share with me


Sitting alone again
Under A midnight sky
Stars surround and illuminate
The questions in my mind
Can I judge another
without asking the question why
Why does he walk the way he walks?
And why at times does she cry out,
with a broken sigh?
Are all of his bridges burning
Have her rivers all run dry
A thought for conjecture
To capture within my heart
Maybe I have assumed too much
Can I alone rely
Upon my own intelligence
To judge this man
In his seeming indolence

Edward and Emma

The lamp is dressed in mourning
casting images in the room,
it only shines for one,
as he aches, he talks of Emma
he will go to see her soon

Our words are but whispers.
as all around the gloom
there are spirits in pause,
and all the shadows hide,
their crystalline forms

We talk of his living days
whisking me back in time,
to another Edward
to his meeting Emma

His words
"I just saw her
she took my breath away,
I couldn't help it
I knew she'd be my forever".


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.