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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.




Cul De Sac
NO Left Turn
NO Right Turn
NO U Turn
NO Through Road
NO Parking
NO Entry
Keep Left
Keep Right
Keep in Lane
Join the Queue
Go Straight Ahead


Ladies – Gentlemen
Men at Work
No Spitting
No Smoking
Burst Water Pipe
Wet Floor
Warning-Unexploded Bomb
Industrial Gas Hazard
Wear A Mask
Keep Your Distance

Gentlemen, Lift The Seat.

Now Wash Your Hands.

Deep Freeze

Bracing for a cold front
Winter come full speed
Batten down the hatches
Cover every need

The winds migrating southward
From the northern pole
Feel them coming in my bones
Signaling my soul

Stoke the fires roaring
Embers through the dancing blaze
Blistering white bed of coals
Shield against this frosty gaze

Why Only at Night am I so Bright

I keep thinking
how Gee will be feeling
pulling my legs
only at night

my brain is flushed
mind is plushed

thoughts of the next moment
some one like usual
will come
and say
how aboutnow

'tis time
put off the lights
you appear so lovedly bright

let's spend the night
no not in bed
its too warm

let's hasten towards the storm
ere a new dawn is born
and our child
we will have to name
her as Dawn


I am a bird... I am a bird
with a magic wing
fly high in the sky
wherever I want to be

I am a bird... I am a bird
can move at a fast speed
jump and skip in a hurry

Glass Slipper

Surely your poem
was written just for me


when I slipped it on
it fit perfectly

and I was transformed
into all the magic

I always wanted to be

Test poem

Test poem

Test poem

Test poem

Local Weather

The weatherman tells us yet again,
about a stubborn high-pressure ridge
keeping the reluctant showers away.

She always worries about the rain.
Will it be too cold to stand in?
And, of course, will it ever come again?

She wonders aloud to me,
with apprehensive humor,
“Why can’t we find a way
to move the pressure ridge
out into space so the rain can be free
to do as it should?”

Her challenge is how I know
we will be okay together,
because I’ve found someone
whose heart I can’t get out of my head.


Touch my hand and I would feel.
I really wished I was there too.
They told me it was better this way.
But still, I would have liked to have seen for myself.
Love holds no boundaries,
and I trust my heart not to lie.
God granted me emotion,
if only to be abused
by my own jealous pride.
This makes me cry sometimes.
I’m only confused.
Feeling somehow misused;
by those I once cared for.
Regretfully, words do take their toll.
I take no pleasure in our misfortune,

a silence peace unfolds

Through the eye of the valley
on silent darkened fields
the clouds gather round
unfinished souls are healed

as the light of the moon
falls upon their form
a shimmer in the night
and the veil of time is torn

earthly bonds untied
pooling into the unknown
kneeling on the air
spirits bow to be atoned

glistening mists approach
shining like the morn
resting on their bodies
their spirits finally shorn


Retirement brings on activities
That were once wishes

With more time we have
The ability to roam through our minds

Follow our feelings and
Renew our thoughts

We endeavor to immerse ourselves
In creative adventures

Seeking to develop
Ourselves in personal ways

Hoping to create happiness
Before our days come to an end


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.