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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The war inside

I can feel it inside me,
The storm of my emotions brewing.

The rumbling building into crashing.

The thunder of my memories,
Clashing with the lightening of my emotions.

Like a war silently growing.

A war in my head that I can't ignore,
The love and hate I have for you conflicting with one another.

But all I can do is close my eyes,
Close my eyes and pretend im okay.

Pretend that tears rolling down my cheeks are just raindrops rolling down a window.
Just keep pretending that you still care.


When one overdoses on drugs or alcohol
They often move slowly
In actions and words

Some words begin to slur
Others widen far beyond their
Original meaning

Time and place mean nothing
Be it church, home
Or meeting with friends

Rules cease to have meaning
Polite expectations are
Replaced with unsolicited words

Memories of undignified actions
Are pushed out of mind
Only to be revived by others

Heaven in your eyes!

Try to understand
the sadness in my heart
I'd hoped that you might help me
through the darkness on my part
and though you think that I belong
I'm not like all the rest
the challenges I've faced in life
have put me to the test
so if you see me on the street
take a second look around
turn to me and cry out
make a joyful sound
mental illness is my reality
it won't just go away
so take the time to educate
pick up a book or two
you just might see the manna

The Replacement

I gave you my umbrella when it started to rain

I gave you comfort when you began to pain

Look who is on my shoulder; oh look, it is you

I gave you my love; all you wanted me to

When night time came, and you got dark

When you needed a fire, I was your spark

You said you needed me, so I did run to you

I did everything that you wanted me to

I was the one always there when you called

I caught all of your tears as they did fall

You have replaced me with someone new

I hope that he cares for you like I used to

I'm Proud Of You

Oh, I would kill to see you smile.
You have no home
In the city of denial

I wish you could see.
The man you became.
Set yourself free.

Your silence frightens kings.
If you only knew
Of hope and joy
You would cast away
All the dark things

Oh, I ask thee.
Have you not fought enough?
Have you not filled oceans?
With your tears?

I beg you to fall in love.
With imperfect you
If you haven’t heard it enough
I’m proud of you


should it serve you to see me
seated across from you
summon a memory that suits
and see me there
disparate lives may mingle
and move as one
lightning might live
in the mind of a man
rivers find cliffs
and mighty falls they make
but always return
to rivers again
find plurality of purpose
in your life of service
find your peace
and find your path
should it serve you to see me
settle for a copy
that's all you'll ever have

What Makes a Human Being

Helping your brother when he is in need

Getting up courage and planting that seed

Loving a stranger just as you do a friend

Lend those who need it a helping hand

Being there for people where they're in pain

Giving all you have without expecting gain

Being the change the world needs to see

Having the courage to be who you're meant to be

Putting others needs before all your own

Keeping your integrity when you're alone

Standing up for what you believe in

Knowing in your heart quitting is a sin

Dads Love

Yeah my dad loved me
gave away all he had
to other greedy siblings...

left me a life long memory
he comes to me daily
six decades since
kisses me

I saw a video of a fish with a harpoon through it's head
You probably saw it too because it was all over the internet
It looked like it hurt but somehow it didn't end up dead
It was still swimming until it got stuck in a fishing net

I wonder if the other fish found it funny
Me? I didn't laugh at all
I know how it feels to be kicked whilst you are down
It's like watching the ocean waves roll, but they never reach the shore

When a child Gave me Advice (Words That Count)

Most Children have hearts that are pure
Thoughts that are not surrounded by
Half held truths
When they offer their advice we really should think
About what they are saying
Because they're seeing what is, not what is expected
Not words we want to hear but
Words that reflect what they feel
Without fear, without compulsion
They speak what they feel
From their limited thoughts
Without regard to those that hear
They answer quickly
With instant thoughts aimed at helping
Friends and family


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.