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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Dinner Time

The white winged insect
flew into my vehicle
sitting shotgun
for the next five miles

until I arrived at the
restaurant where it rushed
out the open window
and into the night

I had to wonder,
considering its unplanned detour,
if it would now be late
getting home for supper

Bearing down onto a broken lens

A man bounded
behind a
broken lens.
upon a weary
world mounded
on uneven ends.
to pry for
the bashful
beauty buried
beneath the
human eye.


The pain, the darkness,
I'm under attack.
All roads are closed,
No going back.

At a standstill, a place
Of no return.
A crossroad of decision,
Still so much to learn.

Going the wrong way,
Headed for hell.
Who has the answer?
They won't tell.

Stuck in an endless rut,
Of what could be.
Taking care of everyone,
Forgot about me.

The pass haunts me,
No looking back.
Hey, here's Karma with
Another smack.

When You Are Old

When you are old and done with dreaming
and silence makes you feel like screaming.
When storms, for you, won’t cease,
I’ll pamper you with peace.
When sadness stains your days, once sunny
and you can’t laugh or find it funny.
I’ll play the clown for you,
just like I used to do.
When darkest days drag on all dreary
and times too tragic, turn you teary.
When life is one long trial,
I’ll sing, to make you smile!
When faith has failed and hope lies bleeding


Reclining in a very comfortable chair
in the medical center,
trying to avoid drifting delusions.
Because the IV in my
arm is making me high.

While the sensation isn't all bad,
the needle still seems angry and red
Prompting visions of being
anywhere else but here,

so no one else can see
my involuntary, and thin,
drug induced smile.

Ode to Miss Jones

Miss Jones – No!

Don’t play me like you do.
My strings are not so taut
that I can stand your mellow tones,
nor will my bow sleep in my hand
whilst you seduce me with your notes.
Though I’m tied to another’s band
my quavers, unquivered, will shoot your heart.
With crotchets flying to your breast
I will play my best scored part
and all your worries will soon depart.
Once our music has done its thing
and minims note where birds should sing
you will breve your last sweet sigh

The Deep End

Conversations deepen as
old friendships remain in the shallows
So swim above the dark abyss of
self awareness vast and mysterious
Here I’m finding new companions
speaking from the heart’s wide breadth
Storied pasts and harsh mistakes
released into the sinking depths
Join us here in letting go
Float about with unburdened mind
Holding onto heavy things
becomes a shallow life defined
Talking small is no great sin
these pleasantries we all abide
Most folks speak of news or weather

One Of Those Nights

One of those nights.
Fear has me in handcuffs.
It's telling me my Miranda rights.

Logic Is yelling stay calm.
It reminds me.
Of the pen in my palm.

The thoughts that persuade.
Something says.
Don't let them invade.

The spectators.
All the thoughts.
That keep talking.
They Sarcastically say.
Dead man walking.

Hope is my attorney.
Into a strong man.
Even if it kills him.
He will turn me.

You are the kick to my start

You are my king
I am your queen
You've given me your true and fulfilling love through this ring
My love for you is simply just not anything but far from simply in between
Even on the days I pull you from your toughest seams
I still see you within my own set of dreams
Even when it seems on my darkest days, we never truly part our ways
When we are closer I feel complete from our hearts beating as one, when our hearts begin to sing an ever so beautiful harmony
One day we are going to be united in the arms of the Lord in Holy Matrimony

Who is a friend

My friends all wear different faces
Sometimes they lie but my heart still feel the touch of their empty embraces.
They use my love against me for any reason .
It's my fault
It's all my fault
This is the love they want me to believe in
When will I find the friendship's that has no meaning
Regret and blame
Have always stop my eyes from seeing.
I have stop my crying
Forgiveness is the life
I chose to believe in
Because only I


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