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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Who Is Norm?...

Is he someone special?
This Norm I hear about
I'd like to look him up
call his number, give a shout

They say he's everyone
but I don't recognise his face
How can he be like me?
I'm not even in the race

What does he do for living?
Where does this bastard live?
I would truly like to meet him
Oh, what I wouldn't give

I'm measured up against him
I hear his name at every turn
Why should I be like him?
Man, it makes me burn!

A Pile of Stones

A pile of stones in the garden.
Some large others small.
Piled against the wall.
I don’t know how long they have been there.
In winter they were covered in snow.
When spring comes thought they will have to go.
But now its spring.
Amongst the stones daffodils bloom.
Winters gloom is gone.
So, there they can stay.
Till another day.
I think they will still be there when snow comes again.
They are just a pile of stone I know.
But they are here to stay.
Till when, who knows.
Just a pile of stones.

A Letter To Neo AI

To the planter in the field
Who plants words on the ridges
To bring forth fruits in its season
Rain falls, sun shines
The words grow bigger and stronger
And remains the same with its bountiful seeds.

You plough for all planters from every corner
To take a portion with the healthy seeds in their hands
They plant on the furrows but some wither
The shielder of the field gives them life
If they would choose to live again.


When I was born I saw my double
Never thought about much trouble

Entered school feeling happy to start
To find that we were always apart

Every year we were often compared
Rarely a day when we were spared

Every test was under review
Checking each score without due

Who was the better sport
Every time on the court

Who was fatter
Did it matter

Always viewed as a pair
In every move without a care

Now we are old and can say
That we are not the same today


The hallways are covered
with faded wallpaper
that tirelessly count.
the cold, empty years

Nodding, sleepy eyes
approaching the daylight
seeking meaning
that won't reappear?

Lost or forgotten
once tender moments
trying to escape the ghosts
in my ears

Telling me I've nothing
left to offer
searching in in vain for a
listening ear!

Could have, would have, should have

Writers folly could have thrown me into decline
Shaking my whims out of my mind
As I slide down a banister of foolish delight
Think "I would not be sliding if my head was on right"

Would have froze with my foes as I faced all their might
Should have ghastly gone fourth writing tales of trite fright
Macabre apparitions watching out for whats getting me
Would have locked away my wonder wishing I could just let it be

Broken Boy-Living Doll: Requiescat In Pace

Body swaying; Poppet heard the gasps as Master rasped; breathing his last breath. Weeping willow, a single tear dripped from beneath her button eye. Her heart was broken for she knew he must have died.


The wolf lies rotting,
of its own volition
On a bed of past lives
afraid of changing, afraid of knives
Perhaps we're meant to be this way;
Sick, putrid. Disgusting.
Pitiful crying that leads to naught
And maybe you want to be this way.
melting through the day, slipping
further and further away
Poor thing.
Miserable dog.
You sing, only for no one to hear
But you're still here.
still breathing, just as
the sun still shines through your window
And though it hurts,

At Whaley Bridge

I want to move to Whaley Bridge where peace is ocean deep.
I want to sit and stare and stay, let sleeping sorrows seep.

I want to move to Whaley Bridge to watch the flowers grow.
I want to wander down the wharf where holy waters flow.

I want to rest my weary bones beside that old canal.
Read Proust, Rousseau, Stendhal, Moliere, 
Flaubert, Balzac, Pascal!

I want to scribe with peaceful pen beneath a shiny star,
perform my rhymes of raw romance at Whaley Reservoir.

Easter Sunday

Earliest gardening day of the year
first to have sunshine all day
The flowers greeted me with Easter energy
in a colourful ballet
As I mowed the winter grass of long
a wounded hyacinth fell
Sorrowful scented delicate violet-
I took her in for her pleasurable smell
Sat in water with her vivid petals
her garden life abruptly gone
Flowers bring pleasure to this house
on par with a newly cut lawn


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.