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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Last Time Fooled- My promise to you

My love to you
Is a true confession
With a deep share of affectionate
from my pure sincerest heart
Of an unwaveringly profound care
through a testimony declare
With tears that glisten in the morning dew
Displaying on your soft petal cheek
With a refreshing droplet caressing touch
lingering on the green stem flourish heart
Flowing through the absorb of thirst quest
With an aglow smile exuding on your face
Through the radiant sunlight
Brighten up the sorrowful
day of the world
as our journey began

Blakeney Point

The sky leaden and grey.
On this stormy day.
An ice-cold wind blows that to any living soul would chill to the bones.
White crest upon the waves as they break,
That sound like thunder.
Sand dunes stretch across the isthmus and
muddy channels cut through with a mere trickle of water.
Boats lay moored, waiting upon the tide,
A few abandoned rotting away,
once a fisherman’s pride,
waiting to be consumed by the sea with each rising tide.
seals and gulls scatter far and wide across the dunes.


Cross stick
Requires a sick mind.
Or, put another way,
Sticks may strike;
Them bones may break and
I may bend but
Cross sticks shall never hurt me.


He thought I was his victim.
quite priceless.
When he figures out
I tricked him.

All mighty fear
heard I play nice
My response
are you sure
You want to
Roll the dice?

A king imprisoned.
Such a sight who
would have

His sword falls to the floor.
As he is dethroned
By the poet
That has fought
Too many times before

Play With Fire

I've always had a taste for danger
For laying it all out on the line
I've never been scared of pain
I just want to take what's mine

It isn't in my blood to shy away
From the pain I feel before success
I simply want to reach all my goals
And I will accept nothing less

I've always gotten a certain thrill
From risking a walk on the high wire
I guess I just love the rush involved
I've always liked to Play With Fire

Keep Me Close

Crystal clear
Icy waters
Shower me
Skin soaked

Peel back the layers
Sunkissed exposure
Moonlit affairs
Between the flames

Passion's droplets
Pouring over
Breathless moments
Shaken limbs

Hold me now
Before it's over
Time stands still
For no one

Graft my spirit
To your soul
Close is where
I need to be

Grim veil of a widowed sun

Under this skin, a roadless city
Blind houses clustered in a corner.
No backyards.

gardens hanging with a sigh
while time started to bald,
shedding minutes like mothers tears

flowers weep aroma and bleed essence;
floating leaves deprived of Chlorophyll
register colorless moments

erudite stores announce arrival of new pages
words horrified of being assassinated
at the hand of silence


The laughter of your voice,
Your hand on my face.
To fill your mind once more,
You can’t see me.
Your fingers touch me,
Skin worn thin.
The love in my heart,
You, forever gone.


I remember the mornings
as if the black pervasive
wasn’t ever there before

I can hear it in the timed
an apathetic turn signal
the neglected front wheel
of a plastic shopping cart
destined to outlive
disposable box store parades

a subliminal undercurrent of despair
subtly imbedded
beneath the cosmetic surface
of every television commercial
being wiped compulsively
into the worn Formica countertops
of a hundred thousand roadside diners

Who Is Norm?...

Is he someone special?
This Norm I hear about
I'd like to look him up
call his number, give a shout

They say he's everyone
but I don't recognise his face
How can he be like me?
I'm not even in the race

What does he do for living?
Where does this bastard live?
I would truly like to meet him
Oh, what I wouldn't give

I'm measured up against him
I hear his name at every turn
Why should I be like him?
Man, it makes me burn!


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.