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No more the fool

Open wide and ever seeing
Unshackled and believing
Blinkers off to allow
Absence of all that's sallow

Refusing to swallow the pill
Standing up in strong will
To see them eat humble pie
Oh yet you may well ask but why

For rose coloured specs are no more
Trampled and discarded on the floor
A forgotten and useless tool
For no more am I the fool

Lilac Bush

She bloomed in the sun, her fragrance so sweet
that my thoughts dissolved, like a winsome dream.
Her dress divine, exquisite, yet discreet,
flowing in soft, velvet petals and cream.

I closed my eyes and leaned in to her kiss,
her perfume wandering into my blood.
She was paradise, pure heavenly bliss
within each flower, each lavender bud.

My bewitched soul softened into her arms,
as her aura found me dizzy and light.
And so I fell deeper under her charms,
her pure essence, her enchanting delight.

What's the Point

What's the point of friends if they cause pain and strife,
Turning on you and cutting like a knife.

What's the point of trying if failure's all I see,
Getting Fs and feeling like I'll never be free.

What's the point of working out and pushing through the pain,
When my reflection still brings nothing but disdain.

What's the point of living if I'm just a shell,
Feeling dead inside, a prisoner of my own hell.

Along came a girl

what was her name?

wouldn't you like to know what was her name

I would love to show a world where pain and loss are gone this little girl sings an angels song

why can't we all just sing along

this little girl of only seven this little girl flies into heaven

this little one was only a child like the song so tender and mild

a mother's love or jealousy perhaps a child's cry

 nothing to save her from the the pain, the wings we gain, the child can take, unfortionately  the mother's heart never breaks


I have wiped the sweat off my brow
And thrown down the towel
I tried to listen to the music
But it falls flat upon my ears

Somewhere along the way
I seem to have lost my compass
And broken my rudder to pieces
I became like a feather in the wind
And didn't even notice

The first to go were the sunsets
It's this concrete jungle that took them away from me
Then followed the mornings
I forgot to even look up at the clouds
To raise my hand and feel the breeze
Dear god, what has happened to me?

Not Alone

I gazed at you
as you lay sleeping,
I tried to stay calm
I was silently weeping.
The machines were
all flashing and bleeping
and I heard the sound
of mechanical breathing.

The family had come
from near and from far.
The decision was mine to sign Dnr.
I was glad I wasn't completely alone
Until one by one they all went home.

So I tucked up your feet
and I folded the sheet.
I sprayed your perfume
and I brushed your hair.
I hoped in my heart
you knew I was there.

Sweet and Evil...

Coal black fur and yellow eyes
no voice and gleaming teeth
This one hates real evil
he fears neither man or beast

Killer smiles and touches him
Anubis quivers now
"Relax my precious friend
we'll get to him somehow"

In the big and dark old house
the evil waits for them
It knew that they would come
it knows, that now is when

Unlock the door and let them in
so eager to engage
Confident in his power
and his unmatched rage

My Sister

She'll never know the pain that I feel,
The loneliness that's all too real.
A mental health center she'll never see,
Friends always there, begging for her company.
She'll never feel the urge to end it all,
Or suffer from parents' abuse, now long gone.
Stealing and cheating, she'll never do,
She'll have a perfect life, it's true.
My mom says she's the favorite child,
With more friends than I had in a while.
She'll never disappoint, like I seem to do,

Shut up and run!

Git fit an' git tight
you may just have to walk out tonight
grab yur' coat and a gun
get those big old boots
and pull em' on
git ready to split
on a dead run
you won't be comin' back
no, not this time
and though you aint done nuthin' wrong
i'ts just somethin'
that's got to be done
head for the hills
don't leave nuthin' behind
the end is comin'
so shut up and run!


To pray
More than saying
Allows us not to stray
Stopping ourselves from complaining
Each day


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.