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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Night Terror

Echoing through nightmares untouched by the light
Contorting and blemished beneath drowned moonlight
Controlled by the pressures that force the dismay
Becoming the monster you fear more each day

Collect every camouflaged outbreak divulged
You creep around corners with weapons you hold
Conniving and patient, wait hours on end
To slither through dreams, into terrors you bend

Against the wall

Collectively cornered
the wall
while all my
thickening thoughts
begins to
fall into
A reticently
rambling refrain.
through that
Where every
faint flicker
in the dense
of the dark
Just decides
to fade away.


Now that my head has cooled down a bit
The hot headedness of my youth has left me
I can see life through clearer eyes

I no longer demand much from it
I talk to it quietly,
As if to a mate on the road
Gently I tip my hat and smile
It's been a rough couple of years
I say, hat in hand
A rough couple of years
But we continue to trudge on

The afternoons are much kinder now
Quiter, and gentle on the soul
The nights, though empty and lonesome
Are filled with the brightest of stars


What do we call it
Emotions within our hearts
That make our lives whole

Epitaph for Mark

Mark loved to ski fast and barefoot.

His little sister, up on skis he put,

And showed his family how to fall,

Said to them all, “Curl up in a ball”.

Mark was a teacher, a sort of preacher,

Certainly a one of a kind creature.

He was so very good with anything water.

We miss Mark, but he left us his daughter.

your beautiful eyes

Your beautiful eyes, disguise your lies
If looks could kill, and your will was mine
Then we’d look at each other, and both would die.
Your beautiful eyes, hide what is fine
Because lies catch up - it’s a race
The finishing line is sublime
Give it time, and you will see
That looks can deceive – an ace up your sleeve
A mirror image - fix your mind
A visual contraceptive - no finishing line
What lies behind, your beautiful eyes
Is an immoral brain - misaligned
So, see what you’re doing, don’t keep them closed

Life Walked Through Us

Life walked through us,
While we laughed, loved in love,
The times drenching in silvery
Every minute glorious, glittering, golden
Forever to remember, passing many Decembers..

Life walked, phasing through us,
While we cried, cruised, crawled in cowardice,
The joy we shared when we journeyed,
Every grace we graced, many peace, plenty pieces.
Forever my friend, eternity my friend.

Mountain Visit

I might have been around ten or eleven years old,
visiting relatives in their Appalachian Mountain home.
We could not wait until the fireflies began
their summer night’s performance, as I recall.
The view from my reflections returns me there.

Our great-aunt picks up a slow-moving, winged beetle
and shows us how to carefully tie a thread to its back leg
and watch it fly in a tethered circle – GENTLY, GENTLY!


Sometimes I drift..
To a place far but more like home. My past...

Filled with dark holes that once trapped, one never gets out.
I'm becoming older, wiser? Maybe.

Dark Secret

There is a dark secret that I hold

When I think of it, I get so cold

There is no one that I know I can tell

I keep it buried deep inside my well

If anyone ever found out, I would die

So I keep it inside, and I just cry

This dark secret haunts me from past

I know it will haunt me to my last

I see no light; I see no way

I see night; I see no day

Eventually, every secret is found

No matter how deeply buried underground

When my dark secret is discovered and told


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