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I used to worry that our hearts would slip away from each other
Everytime I couldn’t feel the touch of your hand
I used to worry that I would never see you again
Everytime I had to wave you goodbye
I used to worry that you would finally let yourself fall into my heart
And not like what you saw
I used to worry that if your hands did not reach towards me
No one else’s ever would

OBSERVATIONS ( A love poem without the word love)

A bit of gray among the brown
(she thinks she's getting old).
Her forehead wrinkles with a frown.
She's ageless as untarnished gold.

Her recliner almost swallows her
as she paints without brush
using random colors that just occur.
Her fingers move without a rush.

Eyes downcast to busy hands;
legs are crossed to hold her pad.
The sight of her pumps my old glands
moving my mood to totally glad.

Live Letters...

This morning I had text
Surprise, my sister Kay
She used to write our mom
every Monday, like a clock

Now, Mom is gone
We have started our own thing
Sporadic, it's true
But satisfying, it hits that spot

Our coffee-time, breakfast
Satisfaction with life
Or the aches in our hearts
From day-to-day living

Discussions of art
Little projects of self-satisfaction
She was up early
Going to have her say, be gone before I got there, busy

The daily star Tuesday issue...

announces Summer Solstice 2023
regarding ray zing planetary earthlings

Wednesday, June twenty first
at 10:57 Ante Meridian
Eastern standard time
will find Earth's North Pole tilted
closest toward sun. This demarcates

most daylight hours of the year for
people living in the northern hemisphere.
Just shy of high noon sun (lil more than
twelve hours from drafting these lines)
nearest star in solar system reaches
highest point in the sky.

Take a breath

Take a breath
And a moment.
A mindful
Relaxing component.

Let out sighs,
And emotions
A lifetime
Of devotions.

Push away worry
And sadness
A wishful
Heartfelt gladness.

Paint a smile
In it's place
To dispel
Fears that chase.

Let in love
To replace
To help
Us all face.

Let our hearts
Control lives
As that
Lets us survive.


I danced proudly with her, on that special day.
We waltzed, she points her foot to the music, and we sway.
The dress she wore, it clings to me, with memories of our love,
Red, it flashes elegant, I hold her image in my hand, as a glove.

On honeymoon by the sea, the stars shine bright for me,
While the moon and her orchestra, play a lunar rhapsody.
My love sails in the sand, to cup her instep and her toes,
Her grace and my desire, she wears the red dress that I chose.

Tapestries of Fate

Something kinder this way walks
The ether feels lighter against my being
Focus birthing new beginnings
What once was hidden I’m now seeing

Hearing voices on the wind
Sweet songs both new and timeless call
I will answer loud and true
Shockwaves breaking down these walls

Beyond the crumbled detritus
A whole new world patiently waits
What may come and what might be
Woven tapestries of fate

For Tomorrow

Such fragility, such patience. We wait and wait until the shadows pull us in. In the blink of an eye, we become a memory. Forgotten by many, savoured by few. But those few cherish and levitate from our presence, collecting their tears into jars to be saved for us, building into a shrine of comfort and gratefulness. Though their shattered souls may be raw and exposed, we ripple through their currents, guiding them to be a better person tomorrow. No matter the time or distance, the clock continues to tick on, so embracing the love and warmth is all we have.


A Poem by 1SP

Man, it feels like the good life,
When you have a good thing,
Blessed is he who finds a good wife,
Because he found a good thing.

A piece of me that was missing from my rib cage,
Warm and welcomed, I felt it in our first embrace;
No need to endure this wilderness all alone,
Let me return you to paradise where you belong.

Time to crown you my queen,
And I am starting with this ring…


I know you had your demons
I know that you knew too,
I only wish I could have known
Where you were driven to.

I'd seen the river rising
I's seen the storm clouds form,
And the ever present shadows
Where darkness seemed to swarm.

Perhaps you never knew
I loved you as you were,
Now all I have are memories
That will never leave nor blur.

I'll never say goodbye to you
You are with me in my soul,
If only we had one more time
Before the darkness took its toll.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.