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Summer’s End

The end
Comes with August
Days full of sun and heat
A month consumed with summer fun
Now gone

Quick Swick

Danger, the number that counts the murder.


How long ?

Best Foot Forward


Neither of my feet made of wood
And with no artificial limb in sight
Stealing a march is a sort of theft
But without a parade, what is left
I never will step off with the right
Yet I think that one is just as good

Here, one must look but also see
In this hot war-torn Afghanistan
On patrol, there is always danger
The risk of death is no stranger
A best foot forward if you can
But must never step on an I.E.D

the shoes you wear

There is love in the shoes you wear
In slow blinks and tilted heads
Shift the focus, remove the grid

There is love in the shoes you wear
In full fridges and empty gas tanks
Point and shoot, the moments passing

There is love in second-hand shirts
In rushed paintings and scribbled birthday messages
Hand-printed letters for long-distance friends


On Sundays, let the dreamers take control
Coffee, books, and hooded sweaters, role
Naps to restore, snacks to nourish each soul
Messy buns and glasses, enter the day with a goal

Let imaginations run wild, and dreams unfold
To explore, discover, to be ten times bold
A happy, blissful peace unlike no other day
Conspired by the Lord above, with fortune and fate to play

Stalker- Revisited (TRIGGER WARNING)

My eyes, my eyes; how they hypnotize!

Our father’s eyes; my eyes!

It’s all about my eyes!

Is it him you see when you look at me?

Twisted thoughts that should never be

It’s all about my eyes!


Our mother, our mother! A witch like no other!

Burned you with scalding hot water; the water

Broke your soul, her favorite child; fourth child

Is it her you see when you look at me?

Twisted thoughts that should never be

She’s the one who hurt you, not me!


Terror Rises

Deep inside my core feeling lost and shedding tears,
Gripped within my being by the essence of true terror,
Consumed by energy of the deepest purest of fears,
Realising my mistakes borne of mistakes and errors.

I recoil in horror from a future I never actually wanted,
With shadows of a dark fate looming in my minds eye,
A terrible destined end which my enemies have plotted,
As the sun is consumed by the grimmest darkest skies.

Elusive pursuit endeavoring to craft a great poem

I confess, no deliberate intent, yet often wonder
what spurs me to nudge, goad, coax, et cetera
semblance of reasonable poetic rhyme
despite modesty regarding
ably linkedin words for others to ponder
more often than not experiencing nonresponder,
nevertheless share mine writing
with folks cyberspace out yonder
or aliens occupying
beyond the pale of outer limits
amidst the twilight zone,
where dark shadows
looming near the edge of night
hint of spooky forebodings.


With August comes the summer Sun
A time to go and have some fun

Kites blowing in the breeze
Kids are playing in the trees

Outside picnics are all around
While family parties abound

Love and laughter fill the air
Friends show they really care

The sun is out to stay
Bringing brightness each day

August brings us a summer blast
Reminding us these days won’t last

It is not a time to fear
But rather a time to cheer

August is a special time to reflect
Time to put our future plans in effect


I like book dedications
And layers of faux skin,
the smell of old paper
And the rustling of wind

I like the bustle of street cars
where people morph into crowds
throwing away common niceties
to make themselves loud

I watch as they scuffle toward little gates
That open and close nonsensicaly
I fight back a chuckle, even knowing
they watch me with the same intensity

But the winters are so uninspiring
And when I dig my mind for wisdom
I can only think


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