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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


A strange story

Saw an old lady knitting on the metro today.
She saw that I was staring and stared back at me.
If that is what you can truly call it.
Her eyes were white and not glaucoma white.
It was like staring into the white space of the Milky Way.

She started humming, my hands started trembling, and my mind began rumbling.
I was transported to a different time,
I was sent back to plantation times.
Wearing all white and sitting on a porch
Hugging myself so tight, and rocking back and forth.

Here's To You

When I am older
next twenty years,
and you are older, too,

we'll sit beneath
the slate blue sky,
and share a drink or two.

We'll toast to friends
who've sailed away
over the great divide,

and think about
the times ahead
just beyond the other side.

So sing sweet songs
to our living boons
who roam with us each day.

Sing sweeter songs
to unforgotten souls
who are never far away.

When I am gone
some thirty years,
and you shall follow soon,

Sometimes I Panic

My heart rate is 130 sitting perfectly still

I can't breathe a breath big enough to fill my chest and satisfy my lungs

My eyes water and my lip starts to tremble

Everyone sounds like white noise
The tinnitus sounds like a bell chime
My head begins to pound,
I can feel my pulse bursting in my neck
Hands begin to sweat
Legs start to shake.

I feel like I'm going to die.

The Scary Ghost

Dear beauteous ghost
Shining nowhere but in the dark
I saw you walking in air
When your light was trampled in the dust
You were at your best but dull and hoary
Mere glimmering and decayed.

Proudly you gathered, rank on rank
As angel in my brighter dream
Called to my soul when I slept
Some strange thoughts transcend
Like some bright stars above the dark abyss
Through the veil, the scary face
Through dust of conflict and flame
Through the voice, I cannot hear

Summer Sun

Comes down
Through its rays
Bright streams of heat
Warming land and sea
Providing light of life
For man and beast and flowers
Glowing within our hearts and souls
Cleansing our minds and clearing our eyes
Enabling us to enjoy all God’s gifts

a dark meadow's guelder rose

a guelder rose of a dark grassy,
a good father's lassie;
though she didn't go out at night,
but she carried some viburnum, bright.
merchants were buying- she didn't bargain
lads were begging-she didn't donate;
she tied her little feet with samite-
she kept it for her friend Johnny ,a good guy.

translation from Ukrainian "Ethnology for People" by Ivan Petryshyn



My palm, when an inked print is made
Is as stems growing in an Eastern jungle
An attempt to display those Nazca lines
Or an early drawn map of the Nile delta
Four main lines and many smaller ones
Each with significance to some who know
And to one side is a faint diagonal mesh
Perhaps a net to catch an interpretation

Quiet Black

My imagination can be a quiet place for argument.
When no one speaks in English,
we argue in Russian, or Ukrainian.

The war somehow survives, that argument.
And more people die.

For politicians that can be agreeable.

For me,
I am a bystander

My Great-Granddaughter

My heart was filled with so much joy and bliss
To meet my newest sweetheart miss

My great granddaughter’s beautiful face
Fills me with such happy grace

Her smile brightens up my darkest day
Her sparkling eyes asking me to stay

So much love, so much to give
Makes us want to really live

Her eyes sparkle with such force
Letting us to feel no remorse remorse

She brings to us a brand new soul
That allows our family to be whole

My wonderful child so precious and dear
Permits my heart to always be near

Calling Of Destiny

Buried deep within our inner being,
Borne of the truest highest nature,
Is the essence of our souls dreams,
Gifted to us by the divine creators.

The connection to our tangent of fate,
Defining reality and destined dynamics,
The capacity to become so truly great,
Harmonised to the energies of the planet.

To align the uniquest of our capacities,
And discover our innate true purpose,
Developing the profoundest abilities,
As our new talents rise to the surface.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.